Monthly Archives: April 2019

I am Tourist!

Greetings from New York City the land of rivers and islands. Yesterday I spent the entire mostly sunny day as a tourist.

I walked to the nearest subway station to get a metro pass so I can ride the subway. Then I walked down to the East River and jumped on a ferry. I rode the ferry to the Brooklyn Bridge where I tried to walk across the bridge but weather came blowing.

I LOVE water so being on a boat was wonderful and exciting. Today, Sunday, April 28th I am staying in to do laundry and spend the afternoon with Annette. perfect on a rainy cloudy day.

New York City- Manhattan

Here I am in New York City. Got in yesterday during rush hour- however the traffic outside the Manhattan Apartment seems busy all day and all night. Getting used to sleeping with lots of noise outside. It IS a big CITY! Today I am walking to Trader Joe’s and getting some perspective to the close by areas.

It was wonderful to be with my friend, Annette. Lots of catching up to do. Spent 5 hours spinning our stories last night. Dinner tonight with Annette’s daughter and son-in-law.
Tomorrow I might get out to Central Park.

 NY Apt 1                                NY Apt 2

Click videos to view my apartment!

Do you know what is growing in this field (cover photo above)? Canola flowers, wild sweet peas?

Springtime in the Midwest

As I drive along the roads in America my mind goes off in all directions. Yesterday, I drove through Missouri, Illinois and today I am in Indiana. The woods are full of budding trees- neon pink Red Bud and white Dogwood peeking out from the darkness of the dense woods. As I drive I see Mother Nature and all her beauty – the trees, the flowers, the fields, the birds, the sky, the homesteads, the GREEN.Susan Tyler, one of favorite artists, gave me notice to all the greens in Colorado. We need to have another conversation about the greens seen in the Midwest! Moisture creates its own greenery.

It is apparent that much of the Midwest is in a late start spring. When I arrived in central Indiana a full spring picture was my joy! Full on fruit trees blooming, lilacs in white, blue and purple are bursting forth. Maple trees are brightly rust colored and the hardwoods are bursting with green growth. All I can say is SPRING is so very beautiful and I am pleased to be experiencing different kinds of spring.

I am here in Bloomington until Thursday (4/25) when I fly to New York City.
Thanks for coming along on this journey of change and transitions..

Red Bud Trees

I saw my first Red Bud tree when I was 20 years old on my way to Missouri to meet Bruce’s family in Savannah, Missouri.  We were driving in Kansas on Hwy 36, an alternate to I-70, and had stopped at a rest stop and in the nearby woods were fluorescent pink trees. I was in the middle of an enchanted garden.

As I drove into eastern Kansas yesterday my soul became young and full of the freshness of spring living.  I remembered many family trips where trees were part of the experience. I even called Bruce (or at least his answering machine) to say hi and remember how well we traveled together.

We have many Red Bud Trees in the Denver area. I like to believe I was part of the addition to an area  because I talked them up. However, I bet I am not the only person who has driven midwest roads and have seen the glory of RED BUD TREES.