Monthly Archives: May 2019

Back in the Saddle

Time sure flies when I am having fun. I left Bloomington last week on Thursday in my car. While on the road I Found out my van was going to be ready by Friday (May 24th) night so I drove 10 hours with a smile on face. I was able to pick up my new “old” camper van on Friday afternoon and start to pack her up. The mechanic at Bear Country Colorado checked and fixed anything mechanical on the truck part. I highly recommend Michael at Bear Country for your truck and RV needs. Michael said Molly G is a well maintained “older” vehicle.

My view outside my bedroom window

I have been staying in Molly G in front of my sister’s house in Englewood – packing, setting up systems, learning what I don’t know. We are all packed and ready to go but as usual there is something else to handle. I am lucky to have found a mechanic who is willing and able to assist me on my new journey. So the van is going to go back to the mechanic to get some other things fixed before I hit the road – back up camera, fix the house air conditioning and repair the cruise control once the part arrives.
I have to be in Bloomington by June 8th to start house/pet sitting until June 28th. The plan is to leave Denver on Saturday or Sunday ( June 1st or 2nd) and take our time to get to Indiana.
Notice how I am using we, our, us. I feel like I am traveling with a friend – Ole Molly Gale!

Book on my To-Read List

Outlandish: Fuel Your Epic

by Morgan Sjogren


Outlandish is a sun-soaked starter manual to fueling your own epic. In this guide, the canyoneering wordsmith and adventurer Morgan Sjogren shows how outdoor adventure can become your lifestyle. Through her riveting personal stories, flavorful recipes, and the book’s gotta-go-there photographs, Sjogren shares her advice and lessons learned from years exploring the desert Southwest while living out of her canary-yellow Jeep Wrangler. Outlandish is a gorgeous guide to a more adventurous life.

In Outlandish , Sjogren shows how to sleep better in a car, build a cooking fire, overcome calamity, repurpose bacon grease, leave no trace, sun-dry tomatoes on your car hood, cook food on a hot engine block, and select practical gear for your tailgate kitchen. Equipped with little more than Outlandish , a backpacking stove, a cooler, and a few staple foods, you can seek out your own adventures fueled by Sjogren’s inspiring outdoor lifestyle as well as her favorite burritos, dandelion salads, campfire blondies, and prickly pear margaritas.

Sjogren offers up dozens of recipes that draw from the places she’s been—Sedona, Bears Ears, Yosemite, Silverton, Utah—and help her tell intoxicating tales of exploration and mishap. There are taco recipes remembered from the highest mountain in Mexico and “50 Shades of Burritos” with flavors taken from around the Four Corners.

Outlandish is equal parts fuel for the body and food for the soul. This smart and meaningful guide comes straight from the Utah canyon country and deserts of Arizona to share lessons learned from a life lived in wilderness. Sjogren’s exhilarating guide will stoke your desire for adventure while offering tools, tips, and tricks that can help you launch your epic.

Transitions, Changes

Hello Fellow Earth Dwellers. I have been hanging out in Lakewood, Colorado with Susan & Max. I am flying to Indiana today since my new “old” camper van will be in at the mechanics, so I have the time to bring my car back from Bloomington. Original plan was to come back to Bloomington from NYC but I flew back to Denver to buy my Dodge camper van. I plan on using Bloomington and Denver as hubs- I am blessed with friends who have opened their homes and hearts. Currently, I have plans to house/ pet sit in Bloomington June 9-28 and then come back to Denver.


I got back to Colorado on May 11th. I came back because I bought myself a 1996 Dodge Ram B3500 Camper Van. 1 Ton, 5.2 Liter, v-8, FOHV 16v. Once I get the van back from the mechanics I will take a video of the inside once I make it my own. Her name is Molly Gale…….

Midtown Manhattan

On my last day as a tourist in the city I walked to the bank at 33rd St and Park Ave to get a cashier’s check – more on that in another blog.

Looking at Roosevelt Island from the NYC Ferry

Here is a picture of the bridge near Roosevelt Island and the tram

I took a ferry to Roosevelt Island, rode the tram back into Manhattan, visited Central Park, and then walked home on 5th Avenue.

Waiting for the tram on Roosevelt Island

I am all packed and ready to fly back to Colorado. I have enjoyed being in NYC for over two weeks. I have had the time to visit the sights and to relax. I have been surrounded by friends and had days of solitude. Wish you could have been here with me!

Morgan Library & Museum- 225 Madison

Spent some time in the Morgan Library with Melanie. The Tolkien exhibit was inspiring – what an incredible mind Tolkien possessed! The library itself is full of rare and beautiful books and art.
Most of you probably don’t know that I do not enjoy museums for long periods of time. I can feel overwhelmed after 45-60 minutes. Glad for short visits!

Park Fun!

The parks and green areas in NYC are fascinating to me and my LOVE of Mother Nature.

Bryant Park is next to the Library

One day I got up early so I could walk to Bryant Park- about 10 blocks away. It was a sunny day which has been hard to find while I have been visiting NYC.

I found a shady spot to have my 50 minute mental health session. A white dove flew by during my session- a lovely sign! By 1 pm the entire park was FULL of people lunching, playing, relaxing and enjoying.

The carousel kitty was peeking out at me…

I walked across the street to Whole Foods but left quickly when the checkout line was over a block long. Walking home along 6th street was the first time being in NYC where I felt jostled and closed in by crowds. On my way home I stopped in a nearby church to meditate.

The Big City

Hello Fellow Fun Seekers, after spending time becoming aware of where I am in this massive city I am feeling comfortable getting around. Mostly I walk but I have taken ferries, a taxi and the subway. I have my Metro pass and a desire to roam the city!
On Monday, I spent the afternoon and evening with Melanie who was the bestest tour guide. We walked around midtown Manhattan and then we got on a subway and headed out to Coney Island. We had lunch at a Russian restaurant and then walked to the beach. I am going back!
Yesterday, I spent the afternoon at Citibank & Chase taking care of “business”. FYI – they have a good promotion for opening up a savings account.

Madison Square Park- 23rd and Madison

I love the green spaces in NYC. While there are mortar buildings everywhere you look – there are parks, tress, house landscaping, potted plants, hanging plants, etc. Madison Square and Union Square parks are delightful. Looking forward to Central Park and Bryant Park.

Madison Square Park- 23rd and Madison

We think the “tiny house” fad is new! People have been living in small spaces since cities were originally built. NYC is a great place for a senior to live – resources are a walk away. Too bad it is so expensive. I could live here.
The reality of living with so many people around is – I can always see a variety of mental health issues. The diversity of humans in one location can be exciting and overwhelming. Dogs in NYC are mostly well behaved – trained to handle many different scenarios. Pigeons, sparrows, starlings and gulls/ terns hang around the city.