Park Fun!

The parks and green areas in NYC are fascinating to me and my LOVE of Mother Nature.

Bryant Park is next to the Library

One day I got up early so I could walk to Bryant Park- about 10 blocks away. It was a sunny day which has been hard to find while I have been visiting NYC.

I found a shady spot to have my 50 minute mental health session. A white dove flew by during my session- a lovely sign! By 1 pm the entire park was FULL of people lunching, playing, relaxing and enjoying.

The carousel kitty was peeking out at me…

I walked across the street to Whole Foods but left quickly when the checkout line was over a block long. Walking home along 6th street was the first time being in NYC where I felt jostled and closed in by crowds. On my way home I stopped in a nearby church to meditate.

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