Heading North

I am hitting the road- on my way to Thermopolis Wyoming. Thought I would go SOUTH but friends were busy with the holiday. I will keep you posted on my adventures. In Wyoming I will be soaking in mineral waters and sharing a sweat lodge on Sunday. MollyG is ready for travel. She has had major work done- transmission, rear and front end work, new tires and the entire RV checked out! I am headed to Bloomington the last week in September so I have a lot of time, space and travel to keep my heart open and my head interested!

5 thoughts on “Heading North

  1. Max said you were really happy to be hitting the road! He put the Subaru in the side yard.
    Enjoy your travels and let us know what exiting adventures you have!
    Love and Hugs,

  2. Thermopolis mineral waters and a sweat lodge!
    Sounds like the most wondrous “labors” possible for this weekend!
    Joyful journey!
    Love Always,

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