Road to Devils Tower

Powder River Pass, Wyoming

After leaving Thermopolis I headed towards the Big Horn Mountains. MollyG and I experienced our first mountain pass – Powder River Pass.

Powder River Pass, Wyoming

Trying to stay OFF interstates- MollyG cruises at 65 mph.

Devils Tower Campground

Last night we stayed at the base of Devils Tower and watched “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” at an outside campground.

Campsite at Devils Tower
Watching “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”

South Dakota – here we come.

6 thoughts on “Road to Devils Tower

  1. Can’t imagine the drama of watching CLOSE ENCOUNTERS at Devil’s Tower! Amazing! Excited to hear about Thermopolis and the hot springs and the sweat lodge and the blessings received…
    You and MollyG are so beautiful!

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