
I spent several days in St Joseph, Missouri at the AOK RV Camp, owned by former Colorado residents. Dale and Sandy have been so very helpful in sharing their knowledge on RVing. Dale showed me how to manage my water- drinking, heating, filling, etc. Plus he showed me how to use the DREadED black & gray water systems. Also replaced an alarm sensor. Also more info on leveling – got apps on my phone now. I cut out window shields from shiny silver material that now keep light, cold and heat out or in. I left the camp because they were totally full and I did not have a reservation for the week end…  I am now in Bloomington, still trying to figure out the next leg of my trip – possibly Kentucky and Tennessee. Maybe Virginia to see my nephew and his family. I will be back in Colorado by October 2nd and will spend most of the month house sitting in Lakewood. Going to spend the morning making appointments for October….

Bloomington breakfast spot

One thought on “Update

  1. Looks lovely…
    So thankful for your RV learnings in St. Joseph…
    Thank you for all your info on journeying….
    So much love and blessings to all the hurting in the weather…
    See you in October!
    Love, Carol

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