
1st day in Wyoming – around Cheyenne – Southern part was full of sunflower fields. 2nd day around Casper – checked out Fort Laramie. Lots of Hawks until I reached Hawk Springs – then there was none. Wyoming has huge vastness – sage fields, blue skies! The unexpected ravines, canyons, splits in the earth are frigging amazing. Checked out the Wind River Indian Reservation- near Riverton.

Bulls where I am staying on property near Thermopolis

Third day – Thermopolis – Had breakfast at the Black Bear Cafe and soaked at the Hellies Teepee pools. Tonight is a Sweat Lodge. Tomorrow (Monday morning) I am off to Buffalo Wyoming and Devils tower.

One thought on “Wyoming

  1. What an adventure Connie. You are making such great memories, plus stories to share. Continue to be safe.
    Love to you, denise?

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