Heading South!

I finally found some warmth! This trip has had weather at my heels. I drove through Glenwood Canyon 12 hours before it was closed due to the same snow storm I awoke to on Thursday morning. That same storm left Utah and some of northern Arizona with lots of snow. Each day I have awoke to frost or snow on my windows. This morning a nice cup of tea warmed me and the inside of the van with the flames flickering on the propane stove.
The United States is so beautiful! I have seen such land that takes one breath away. My adventures in Arizona are continuing. Monument Valley is full of inspiration. I decided to go through Prescott, AR but did not check with my RV road map and found myself on 89 south. It took me 30 minutes to go 8 miles. I will heed warnings in the future, check more thoroughly, write about the scary road I took with MollyG- NO pictures since my red knuckles wouldn’t leave the steering wheel. Novice RVer!

3 thoughts on “Heading South!

  1. What an awesome picture. You are seeing things that most people will never experience. Blessings, glad you are finding warmer temps. ?

  2. Happy for you and grateful I found this to sign up and travel with you! I spent a lot of time in Sedona during my adult life. My parents retired to Mesa Arizona many moons ago and I have enjoyed this beautiful part of the country. I’m in southern Oregon if you make it this way!

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