Monthly Archives: May 2020

Uncompahgre National Forest

On Saturday, May 23 I left Ridgway State Park for Montrose, CO. I shopped for groceries, got gas, made a couple of phone calls, And answered some texts and emails.
MollyG & Abby drive us up onto the Uncompahgre Mesa. We found a campsite at 9500 ft – beautiful fresh from Melting high altitude snow. This was the last of the cool weather we have seen!
woke up on May 25 to break camp and find my van would NOT start. Took awhile to figure out I had cranked the Wheels too much while leveling and when the steering wheel was released the van started. Also was the start of the “ shock air bag saga”.

my view

MollyG & Abby

My 1996 Dodge Ram Leisure Travel van is quite different than Rose & Steven’s Earth Cruiser.
My MollyG is 2 wheel drive with a heavy wide back end. she is 24 years old and NEVER meant for off road travel.
Abby is much younger, 4 wheel drive, solar powered, can drive in 3-4 feet of water , ability to filter ANY water, and was built to go off road.
i did not know how long I could follow the Earth Cruiser!
Yes, Beverly their rig is a tank with amazing abilities! My van is a camper van.
We have been traveling together for over 2 weeks. Yes, they are taking consideration for where we camp with MollyG! With that said “ MollyG and I have driven into places I should have Stopped!

However, after experiencing rutted dirt roads, steep inclines, rocky and washed out roads, dips, sandy, dusty roads MollyG and I are fairly seasoned backroad travelers.

A big hiccup in our travels was the rear shock air bags quit inflating when we were 9500 feet up on the Uncompahgre Mesa in National Forest. MollyG and I got down the tricky mountain roads to find a wonderful campground in the beautiful Dolores canyon. Steven spent time figuring out the problem, using Abby’s compressor to fill up the air shock bags to get us to a big city (Grand Junco) for parts.
Airbags for the shocks were fixed in the Safeway parking lot in Grand Junction. Once fixed, we can easily take on mountain roads with MY new confidence in my driving skills and MollyG’s capabilities! Thanks to Steven and his well rounded brain power!

Little Grand Canyon
Dolores Canyon
top of a Mesa!
Fruita’s High Desert

Ridgway State Park

We splurged and stayed in a campground with water and bathrooms. Friends met up with Rose& Steven for bike riding and hiking fun. Saw Mountain Blue Birds, Violet-green Swallow and a peewee or tufted Titmice. Tent campers had an unexpected bear visit. Left Ridgway Campground on May 23 heading for Montrose for shopping, gas and Taco Johns! On our way to Uncompahgre National Forest.

Hartman Rocks

Our next adventure took us to Hartman Rocks near Gunnison, CO. The road in took me to new level of driving MollyG- I truly thought I had done damage taking her up a steep, loose gravel, dust flying road up to our campground with large rocks to avoid. Thankfully Steven walked me through the really bad places. I saw more Lazuli Buntings and several perky Canyon Wrens!


I am having such a good time traveling with Rose & Steven. Connecting With my favorite humans has been lovely and FUN! 12 days of great adventure! Cell phone connections has been absent unless we are spending time in a city. Last Saturday, In Montrose, a shower, laundry, shopping and catching up on emails was completed. Today we are in Grand Junction dealing with vehicle stuff – my MollyG needs some shock air bag parts and plumbing supplies to fix a sink leak. Rose & Steven’s Abby needed tires rotated. I have cell power! So I am going to get this blog out! More blogs to come, when I have connection, to share the beautiful places we have visited in Colorado.

My Bucket is Full!

I left Lakewood, Colorado on May 16, 2020 following my daughter, Rose and her husband, Steven in our class b vans. They took me on their maiden voyage May 2016 in their Class B named Abby. Ever since I have wanted to join them and especially since I bought my Class B van last year in May.

My dream has occurred and I am traveling with Rose and Steven. The first night we camped outside of Nathrop, CO in the San Isabel National Forest. Saw antelope and a beaver while driving and many birds in the campground- many Lazuli Buntings, Pine Grosbeaks assisting Rose with her morning yoga and a Peregrine Falcon came flying through the campground chasing some small birds.

Boating and Adventures!

Hello Friends and Family,
As May passes I know WE ALL are in the same situation. Something I read mentioned we are all in the same situation but in different boats. My older friend lives in total isolation in her Manhattan apartment boat listening each evening to the scores of New Yorkers loudly celebrating the FIRST RESPONDERS, hospital worker, and caregivers every evening at 7pm. She has not seen anyone in two months. Loneliness is her companion. Her one man fishing boat keeps her afloat.
Several friends watch parents or grandparents in assisted living boats. Patients are isolated in their rooms- not sharing meals anymore, everyone wearing masks, community activities GONE! Caregivers wearing two masks to prevent spreading the virus that has managed to claim patients and caregivers. Cruise ships filled with people and no where to go!
I have friends boondocking on BLM land because they do not own brick & mortar homes and live in their RVS, vans, tents, cars ALL year. Their lives depend on weather that does not kill- not too hot, not too cold! Brave captains of small individual boats! House boats riding the rivers!
My boat has been living with my best friend Susan and her husband Max (and kitty Cleo). Three seniors who are older with heart issues, asthma and recent (6 weeks) appendectomy. We have found a balance of delivery, pickup, shopping during senior hours, zoom calls and virtual hugs. Steady as you go canoes!
I come back to Colorado to dance, share and experience physical connections. My mental health therapist says humans need human connection- I know I do! Hopefully when I get back into town this virus thing will be controlled. In the meantime, I am gifted with a home that allows me to get physical hugs, vibrant conversation and different ways to look $ feel at LIFE. Plus homemade bread and cookies from Max our fine baker.
I haven’t hugged Rose since 12/4/2019 when I left to winter in Quartzsite, AZ. When I came back to Lakewood the last of January Steven & Rose were really sick so we decided to not hug/ kiss at that time. A few weeks later the isolation started so we have stayed 6 feet apart when I come over to help with the gardening. I look forward to isolating with Rose and Steven when we start traveling later this week. A great big hug is in my future!
My van is loaded and ready to get back on the roads. My daughter, Rose and son-in-law Steven sold their Golden house yesterday, packed their Earth Cruiser and WE are leaving the comfort of homes to find the adventure in traveling vans. Check out Earth Cruisers- they are a really nice secure BOAT!
Since I do NOT know when we are leaving or where we are going another blog entry will happen soon.
I appreciate each of you coming along with me. Your comments warm my heart and I feel love. I send each of you healing energy to get in your boat and make it the best DAMN boat ever!