My Bucket is Full!

I left Lakewood, Colorado on May 16, 2020 following my daughter, Rose and her husband, Steven in our class b vans. They took me on their maiden voyage May 2016 in their Class B named Abby. Ever since I have wanted to join them and especially since I bought my Class B van last year in May.

My dream has occurred and I am traveling with Rose and Steven. The first night we camped outside of Nathrop, CO in the San Isabel National Forest. Saw antelope and a beaver while driving and many birds in the campground- many Lazuli Buntings, Pine Grosbeaks assisting Rose with her morning yoga and a Peregrine Falcon came flying through the campground chasing some small birds.

7 thoughts on “My Bucket is Full!

  1. Awesome Connie, I am so happy for you. Enjoy your travel time with Rose and Stephen. Things may be a little more quiet for awhile. It looks beautiful where you are. Keep us in the loop. Love to you, denise?

  2. These pictures are beautiful! I love the outdoors but hate camping! I guess someone has todo it. So glad you are with the people you love, enjoy every minute.

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