New Friends/ Bear Lake- Idaho & Utah- 6/23/20

here I am still in Cub River RV Park outside of Preston, Idaho having a great time. I have made friends with Denise the owner of the park and Gay a neighbor. Yesterday, we drove to Bear Lake- saw both Idaho and Utah lake shore.. I have been offered a job to stay at the park and help out. Life is interesting! We are driving to Jackson Hole tomorrow. This place is close to many amazing areas !
I will be meeting up with Rose & Steven this weekend after helping out this weekend with a full RV park!

Bear Lake
Connie, Denise, Gay
Bear Lake Valley
The beautiful valley!

3 thoughts on “New Friends/ Bear Lake- Idaho & Utah- 6/23/20

  1. You look great Connie! Keep traveling the wonderful world we live in! Please post pictures 🙂 Stay safe and healthy!

  2. How fun! Meeting new friends & going with them to new places! Jackson Hole is a beautiful sight to see! You might consider working there after your travel adventures with Rose & Steven subside. You get to bring in a little money while having fun with your friends. What a nice option!

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