Monthly Archives: June 2020

Far behind……

I am far behind in my blogs. I will catch up! Living in this moment, Wednesday, June 10th in Idaho! Found an unique campground 8 miles outside of Preston, ID on the Cub River. I had to share the joy of this moment – I am delighted by – Fresh cool mountain air, big sunny day, a river runs through, and a gentle breeze.

Space #4
Cub River


We arrived in Utah May 29th, 2020. We drove to the bottom of the Little Grand Canyon camping right next to the San Rafael River. We saw a beaver each morning and evening checking out his realm! Lots of birds- Loggerhead Shrike, swallows, Western Kingbird, robins and finches. I will share the snake story in another blog.

Bottom of the Little Grand Canyon
I found wearing a scarf kept bugs out of my ears!
Paddle boarding on a river was the 1st for Rose & Steven. I got a ride on Steven’s board
camp site

Grand Junction & Fruita, Colorado

We spent several days in the Grand Junction & Fruita area- handling vehicle maintenance, meeting up with friends and enjoying the camping and recreational fun in the area! Got to ride on Roses’s paddle board on Highland Lake – great place for water activity!

Pronghorns on the Mesa
Hiking the Camp Beyond Time Trail
Hiking the Camp Beyond Time trail
colorful Lizard

Delores Canyon

Cows, gnats, beautiful Delores River, more lovely San Miguel River, Blue- Gray Gnatcatcher, Stellar Jays, Yellow Warblers, and more gnats!

Massive canyon walls
Tiny Foot prints all round our campers!
Delores and San Miguel Rivers meet
Our own Canyon
Beautiful river and rock formations – taken by Rose Pon
Rose& Steven cooling their cores!
Oh my! Taken by Rose Pon