Wyoming & Idaho

plans changed! I decided to drive to Jackson and spend the night. My friends had unexpected things to do so I drove my van to Alpine, Wyoming to find that 40miles from Jackson there weren’t any RV spots and if they were available the site would cost $60-100.00.

started the ride following a large herd of sheep. Notice the puppy near the horse – in training!
Beautiful country – Oregon Trail!
my campsite near Soda Springs, Idaho
Soda Creek
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2 thoughts on “Wyoming & Idaho

  1. You look great Connie! Hard to believe you have been traveling sooo long!! I thought you would be gone a few months at most… I guess Molly is your home now? haha! I have to ask because I have never known someone that travels like you have, but what in the world do you eat? where do you get your food? and how do you keep it fresh? you must occasionally be near a grocery store ? Sorry to be nosy Connie…. but I think about stuff like that… Especially with you… are you keeping in contact with Chrissy and Cathy? Ok..just stay safe… behave yourself but have fun.. Love you.. Diane

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