Back Home

Colorado is my home. I feel a warmth in my heart as I arrive and live in this western state. The road trip took me to four states- Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. MollyG drove 3547 miles. We left May 17 and I got back to Denver area July 25th- 10 weeks.


Hanging with Rose & Steven was a wonderful adventure. I learned so much about myself- my abilities and my limitations. I am quite capable being on the road alone but I now know I prefer companionship so I will check out caravans, traveling friends and other ways to travel.

I LOVE traveling and experiencing the unknown. The nomad lifestyle is a gift of expansion! So grateful for the time spent with family, friends and Mother Nature! I am a HAPPY camper!

My reality!

I will be hanging in Lakewood for August and most of September. Many possibilities but I will allow what will be!

True gratitude for a safe trip, a fullness of heart and a knowing ALL is as it is!


8 thoughts on “Back Home

  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. I’m glad your trip was safe and fun! Even tho we can’t sit and talk I am glad you are back home. It was so interesting reading All your posts keep me in the loop!! Love ya ‘cuz. Diane

  3. Glad to hear your traveling over the last couple of months was amazing. Let’s look at our calendar and meet up soon before you decide you need some more camping.

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