Sorry about the long read. I wanted to share what I have seen on the road.

Traveling during COVID-19.

 I have been traveling in my camper van since May 17, 2020. Most of the time I have been traveling with my daughter, Rose and son-in-law, Steven whom have their own super dooper camper van. We decided we needed to do self isolation for 14 days before hugging. 

  • We left Denver and camped in BLM (bureau of land management) and a state park. In May, some Coloradans were wearing masks in stores and a few wore masks while outside. In the state park I gave a mask to a ranger who had forgotten his at home. Social distancing on marked hiking paths was easy for me  just get out of the way. I found myself gravitating physically closer towards family & friends when I needed to allow more distancing since not everyone was wearing masks. Rose who is really aware about the virus had to remind me over and over to not stand next to people or pet dogs.
  • #some Campgrounds were closed.
  • #State parks required reservations which weren’t that easy to get.
  • #Showers and bathrooms were closed. Laundries were open.
  • #Some RV parks were still closed. I assume the RV parks are now open.
  • #weekends we’re full of campers. Campsites were more available during the week- typical for Colorado.

May 2020- Colorado – Grand Junction and Fruita area – very few masks being worn. The locals were still offering hugs and handshakes. Rose had to remind me to not accept the hugs and handshakes. Some businesses had marked off 6 foot distances but most people paid little attention to 6 foot distance and no enforcement  was happening. 
Colorado-May 2020 has governor highly recommending  masks and social distancing. Many people were following the recommendation. In Montrose 40% of the people in Albertsons were wearing masks and distancing- all older people like myself. 
Utah- May 28-June 10-only a small portion of people were wearing masks.. when I wore a mask I was stared at. No required social distancing or masks. 
Trash cans are available minimally. Campers / nomads/ homeless living in cars had created trash issues during the beginning of COVID-19 by not having places to stay because state& federal parks were closed. Where to put your trash if facilities are closed? Trash is a big problem now because trash cans have been eliminated because of misuse. So now the only trash cans are at gas stations or right in front of stores- not in the parking lots. During this entire trip TRASH is a problem. Campgrounds are left with bags of trash, cans & bottles in almost every fire pit. I create a small bag of trash every day and at the last gas stop all the trash cans were full – I had to work to get my bag of trash to fit. At one campground without trash cans, Steven and Rose picked up two large trash bags and trucked the Bags out of the Forest to a rangers station. 
In NE Utah, around Vernal No one was wearing masks! No one! Once I got around Salt Lake City, June 10th I started seeing more people in Utah wearing masks and trying to practice social distancing because their COVID-19 cases had risen. 
I arrived in Preston, Idaho on June 10th and noticed very little regard to the virus. The local store did not require workers or customers to wear masks or stay 6 feet apart. I saw two other seniors wearing masks. When I left Preston on June 28th I stopped in the local store and almost every one was wearing masks and keeping distance – once again due to number of virus cases increasing in the area. The RV park I stayed in did not require masks but everyone gave me plenty of distance. In Pocatella, Idaho Falls and Rexburg during June there was little mask wearing except for seniors. The workers in the stores were now wearing masks but not many customers. I had a lady move within 2 feet of me at the cash register and then her husband joined her – totally unaware. I realized in that moment I had to take care of myself! 

I arrived in beautiful Driggs on 6/30/2020. The local store’s workers were all wearing masks and again only a few other seniors were masked. The lady at the art supply store required masks until she took my credit card and then removed her mask. 7/6/2020 – went back to the local Driggs market and now masks are required! I stopped at a local RV park for water and a shower and everyone stayed away from me and wore masks. Because now the virus numbers are rising. 7/12/2020- Ketchum, Idaho has a flashing sign as you enter town – distancing & masks REQUIRED!

Yesterday(7/19/20) I stopped at an RV park and their bathrooms were closed because they did not have the staff to clean the bathrooms as needed during COVID.


Today as I got my free breakfast a women with four boys walked in- one of the boys hacking, coughing with no covering. I had my mask on and quickly left.

From my experiences, I can take care of only myself. My choices! My health!
Hope all of you are well and enjoying life!

Zoom is our new friend!

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