Galena, Idaho

The area around Galena, Idaho is a recreational dream. Lots of dispersed camping, rivers, trails for biking& hiking and gorgeous views. Had a great time with Rose& Steven and their friends.

Big Wood River
picture of camp taken by Rose Pon.
saying good bye to Rose and Steven

I left the Galena area 7/19/20 to head for Craters of the Moon.

awesome scenery
Snake River

Today 7/20/2020 I drove to Swan Valley stopping at a rest stop that overlooks the Snake River. Peregrine Falcons flying all over the place. Truly spectacular!

Connie and the Snake River
Heading down the Snake River

I am heading back to Lakewood, Colorado. It is hot and I am taking my time hoping the heat will subside!! See you soon Colorado!

3 thoughts on “Galena, Idaho

  1. Hi, Connie
    We are still staying home. No big travel plans. Max has parts of Harvey in your room temporarily while he works on water heater and water pump.
    It has been too hot to do much.
    The house painters start power washing tomorrow. Max cut back the ivy in front away from siding and soffits.
    I swept all the leaves and twigs off your car, but need to do it again. Very windy evenings!
    We are looking forward to seeing you whenever you arrive!
    Love you!

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