Pooping in the Woods

Pooping in the woods, Forest, Mountains, meadows, fields, etc. WE ALL poop! Part of life and usually we have a toilet , potty, or restroom available and we all know what to do. Do you know the rules about “pooping” outdoors when a potty is not available? I assume each of you do know! However, a recent event has shown me that clearly NOT everyone knows how to poop in the woods with health in mind. Of course pooping is a natural process and your body can Poop anywhere a human chooses! Today as I sat in my camp chair , under my awning by a flowing river I heard a noise and saw a kid across the river behind a bush , about 40 feet away. Through the bush I watched this boy pull down his Shorts and take a poop. ( I deleted shit and will only use non offensive language – but truly this is all shitty to me).Part of me watched wondering if he was cleaning up at the river bank  But when I saw him wiping himself I knew he had pooped right beside the river. As he pulled up his pants I headed for the road to meet up with him at the nearby bridge. As the kid was coming up to the bridge his dad in a car heard me tell the kid. Don’t poop by any river, lake, etc! It WILL wash into the river and the pristine river is now contaminated with human waste. Here are the guidelines to pooping in the Forest.

  1. Do not poop near water.
  2. Dig a hole At least 6 inches deep to cover your poop & toilet paper.
  3. Do not poop near water! 
  4. Or use a container and move the poop to a toilet or trash can. 
  5. Do not poop near water! 
A bug enjoying the river
No pooping near water, please!

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