Rocky Mountain Sheep

One of the highlights of this trip happened at a campground along the Salmon River between Salmon and Challis, Idaho.The Salmon River moves quickly through Canyons and meadows. Our camp was across the river from tall jagged cliffs.

Swallows, peregrine falcons, pigeons, kingbirds, robins flew around the cliffs. Steven noticed the first sheep on the top of a ridge and Rose noticed the mama and baby sheep.
I got my binoculars while Rose & Steven took pictures with their great camera.
I felt like I was watching an episode of Animal Planet.

For at least an hour we watched Mama and baby descend from the mountain top, find their way to the river and then return to the top of the ridge using a different route.
After Mama & baby left the rest of the herd showed up. We watched another 8-15 sheep find their way through rock slides and tasty trees to get a drink at the river.
this adventure will Stay with me for a long while.

4 thoughts on “Rocky Mountain Sheep

  1. So awesome Connie. You are having such amazing experiences. Always love the photos! See you before too long. ?

  2. So beautiful. So glad there’s place around for you to see.
    What a great journey you’re having.

  3. Such beautiful countryside! And the mama & baby sheep were sooo cute!. Glad you’re having a great time!

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