Victor, Swan & Paradise Valley

We broke camp on the Teton Creek On Monday July 6th. I Took a drive to Paradise Valley to try to charge my house batteries which have been acting up for the last 5 days. The entire area is full of natural surroundings- the Teton Creek flows into the Teton River which is a haven for water activities- boating, paddle boards, kayaks, inter tubs, etc.

Pass going into Swan Valley
The entrance to this ranch has stuffed pheasants in the glass boxes at the top.
Our campground for the night – The Big Eddy.
The river is right beyond the tents.

The reason we are back is the Teton River! Rose & Steven are avid paddle boarders and I can shuttle them and their equipment up the river. Moose are common here and they have seen many on the river. When they got off the river last night they pointed out a bull moose on the other side of the river. We watched for 20-30 minutes before he disappeared into the bushes. Gosh they are huge animals!

One thought on “Victor, Swan & Paradise Valley

  1. Connie, your first photo is just stunning. That triangle of brilliant summer green slicing across the blue sky bordered by the darker lines of mountains At the top edge and the fence along the lower edge. Beautiful!

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