The Road Less Traveled

Greetings fellow earthlings- I did not drop off the edge or maybe I did. I realized I quit blogging when I am back in Lakewood living with Max & Susan. I thought traveling is extraordinary but that everyday living gets old and people do not want to hear or share. We are living in a time that EVERYONE is dealing with major change. Social distancing, isolation, political upheaval has created new territory for each person to try to find a safe path. EACH path is different!

I have been back in Lakewood, Colorado for about 3 months. I arrived knowing I had some medical issues to address. I was surprised at the amount of time and the physical issues that have surfaced. As Betty Davis stated “Getting old is not for sissys”. I have been hesitant to share since I am fully aware that each person I know has their own story. Feel free to connect with me, now that I am feeling fine, if you have a story you would like to share.

#1- Visiting nurse found I had high blood pressure in the middle of the day. Changed meds twice to find a combination that seems to be working except for a runny nose as a side effect.

#2- I have had kidney stones 3 other times (2009, 2012, 2019) and the stones were zapped. Well it appears the zapping did not get rid of the kidney stones so I found myself setting up surgery to remove the stones. I had NEVER experienced any pain with the stones until two days before my surgery. I NOW KNOW the pain! Plus the constant discomfort from a stent that loops into the kidney, goes into the ureter and then another loop in the bladder for 11 days. Currently, drinking lots of fluids and feeling great in my urinary tract!

#3- Right hip has been weak ever since we flipped my mothers house- 14 hours days for 5 weeks was enough for my hip to yell out loud. A good chiropractor, exercises, acupuncture and supplements have made a huge difference. Tested the hip this week on a short walk with Cheryl on the Platte River Trail.

#4- A blood test in the emergency room showed really high glucose so I did a A1C test in my doctors office 2 weeks later which showed I was not even pre-diabetic. I know know that when one has an IV-sugar water is usually added- hence high blood sugar counts.

Covid-19 has brought new awarenesses regarding CHANGE!

Major Change is happening to each of us. Change has always been around but the current rate of change keeps knocking at our door with loud banging.

I find myself Moving between being alone versus lonely.

Financial security is scary for many! Emotional security comes and goes.

Friends and family are creating new ways to connect. Friends and family are finding distancing can be positive as well as negative.

Illness and wellness have a whole new agenda!

My current plans are to start traveling the last part of November- most likely to Arizona for the warmth, friends and cheap living. Max & Susan are traveling in their van right after the election for several weeks.

Be well!!!!!!

One thought on “The Road Less Traveled

  1. Glad you got thru your physical situations. Way to go! You listened to your body & took action! We will all get thru this & be much more appreciative of our many blessings!

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