Priorities & Appreciation

Everything changes when I am on the road. EVERYTHING including my skin. Skin dries out quickly!

My routines are different due to a smaller space;

Cooler or warmer weather;

Keeping the van clean after driving down dirt roads;

Where does the trash go?

Water, for myself, cooking, personal hygiene;

Toilets/ Bathroom requirements change dramatically;

Sunscreen care- lotions, hats, long sleeve shirts;

Bug Repellants- sprays, lotions and swatters;

Warmth at night- extra blankets, working furnaces, a bedtime hoodie to cover the head;

Security- bear spray, hornet/ wasp spray, small baseball bat, whistles, noise makers, mace, motion detector porch light;

Food prep/ Storage- RV fridges are known for not working properly.

All said and done I got a huge sense of accomplishment this morning after I built a fire and burnt my burnable trash. My fellow traveler went into town to discard the rest of the trash. My van was clean, trash removed and a brand new day! I feel great!

4 thoughts on “Priorities & Appreciation

  1. Hooray! That’s not beer is it?

    Max just sat down with me to help me sort out some missing passwords.

    Be Well!
    Love you Connie


  2. It’s a good feeling to have everything cleaned up, its easier to get organized. Glad you rewarded yourself.

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