Wickenburg, AZ

cactus wren

I had the opportunity to spend almost a week in Wickenburg, AZ- December 15-21st. I camped on BLM land. I doubt I will be back in Wickenburg but I wanted to share the birds seen in the BLM land.

  • Cactus wrens
  • juniper titmouse
  • white crowned sparrows
  • curved bill thrasher
  • loggerhead shrike
  • western kingbird
  • northern cardinal
  • western Bluebird

it is Christmas Day and I am in Quartzsite, AZ. The sun is shining after 24 hours of a chilly cloudy holiday eve.. It rained a bit last night. I bought Lights to put under my engine to deter mice and pack rats- realized last night I DID decorate for the holiday.
Sending each of you holiday cheer and joy WHEREever you are! We are in this together so enjoy the light, the truth and be okay right where you find yourself on this Christmas Day.
oh my I could use a hug! Virtual hugs please!

6 thoughts on “Wickenburg, AZ

  1. Merry Christmas Connie…..wishing you love and light dear friend. Yes, we are in this together…., “happy trails to you until we meet again”! ?

  2. Merry Christmas to you Connie… I love to hear about your travels all over.. Are there any states you have not been to? Just enjoy life. Happy New Year and don’t do anything too wild and crazy! Love you cousin! Diane

  3. Can’t thank you enough for your beautiful pictures. I most Can’t tell one bird from another so I appreciate bird knowledge. Happy Holidays ?✨

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