Wild Horses

On my bucket list has been to drive and find wild horses. There are many western states that have wild bands of horses and I have wanted to see!

During a day of hikes I noticed a lone wild horse near the parked vans. After a long day of hiking we were driving out of the wilderness in New Mexico I noticed more horses up the road as Rose and Steven drove near them.

Rose & Steven pulled over to the right side of the road right after this group of horses. I pulled up behind their van as wild young stallions were furiously fighting among themselves. Just like in the movies- horses rearing on their back legs to come crashing down on another horses chest with their front legs. All of this fighting was occurring 10-13 feet away from my van. It was scary and exciting.

Just as I noticed the horse stuck in barbwire I saw Steven heading to get some tools. I had been inspired by Steven and his tools to go through my tools and For some reason the day I left Lakewood I put a full size wire cutter under the passenger seat. I handed him the wirecutters and he surveyed the problem. In the picture of the horses the small horse on the left is the foal of the mare stuck in the fence (the 2nd horse on the left)

While Steven worked his way around the fence to get to the rear of the horse since the front of the horse had a young wild stallion trying to protect the mare or was just pissed that we were in his territory. I think the young stallion was an yearling and it was his mother catch in the fence. I tried to keep the young wild stallion at bay while Rose kept her eyes on the rest of the band of horses which included the HEAD stallion rumbling 50 feet away. The only thing we missed was to video this amazing event.

The mare was totally quiet. She never moved while Steven cut the layers of barbwire cutting into her thighs and belly. She was in shock and already knew if she moved it caused more pain. The foal in back must have known Steven was helping because the foal stayed calm, nearby its mother but not threatening. The young wild stallion was a different story. He charged me at least three times- I used my knowledge of horses to make movements and noises to intimidate the stallion- I also did not want to disturb the mare anymore than needed. On the three charge the young stallion came on to the road and I moved BEHIND my van.

The mare did not move until all the barbwire was removed from around her. When she moved into the field the lead stallion screamed into the air “a thank you and get the fuck away”.

This experience touched my heart on so many levels. Steven is a hero and I am so proud of the end results.

7 thoughts on “Wild Horses

  1. Connie, I’m so glad Steven freed the mare from the barbed wire. What an experience! Many times my Dad & a friend got in one of their pickumup trucks & jaunted off to see wild horses in Wyoming. My Dad was always so excited when he saw them! There’s something about the call of the wild that seems to attract all of us.

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