Kit Fox

I am enjoying 2021! Currently hanging near the Colorado River in CAlifornia. Just chilling before heading further south.
Last night, I did a bad thing – I left a bag of trash outside my van. I WAS planning on walking ? the bag 200 feet to the trash bins but my comfy bed won.
Around midnight I heard the plastic bag and assumed I had rodents! A much better surprise- when I switched on the porch light I discovered the cutest Kit Fox dragging the bag of trash across the desert floor.

The Fox was small enough I wasn’t afraid and he wasn’t afraid of me either. As I gathered my bag of trash he stayed within 6-8 feet of me- moving near the front of the van near the holiday lights under my engine which are suppose to repel rodents from getting into the engine and chewing wires.

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5-6 pounds is so small!

Before this trip I had a motion detector porch light installed. I had been wondering if animals would trigger the light. The light was NOT triggered by my small visitor.

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Jamie Sams Medicine cards says FOX medicine is camouflage. I am thinking this is my 2021 energy!

6 thoughts on “Kit Fox

  1. Awww. Super cute. Although raccoons are cute too, but not when they are digging through my compost! So good to see your posts again, I got out of the habit of looking for them. Thanks for posting to FB to remind me ? Miss you! Enjoy your travels!

  2. OMG! He is sooo cute! ? My first thought would have been to figure out a way to make him my pet. My second thought would have canceled that idea out. What a beautiful experience you had!

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