
Daring Greatly- Brene’ Brown

When we stop caring about what people think, we lose capacity for connection. When we become defined by what people think, we lose our willingness to be vulnerable. If we dismiss all criticism, we lose out on important feedback, but if we subject ourselves to the hatefulness, our spirits get crushed. It’s a tightrope, shame resilience is the balance act,  and the safety net is the one or two people in our lives who can help us reality-check the criticism and cynicism.

The quote above has touched my heart, mind and body. I picked up “Daring Greatly” by Brene’ Brown after three weeks of not reading any non-fiction and the book opened to page 169. The words have made a difference!

The solitude in the desert gives me time and space to hear my thoughts, ideas, beliefs, dysfunctions, wishes, wants, and needs. I give gratitude for the people, situations and experiences where being uncomfortable shines new paths, creates new ways to change and allows me to release, allow and find my own life journey.

Big SHOUT out to the people who are my safety net- those sweet humans who see me as a wholehearted person who is NOT perfect, who understand my tone, my body language, my volume, my words used because I am a passionate & overly caring human! I am trying to speak my truth while learning what my truth looks like.

7 thoughts on “Spirit

  1. Awesome Connie. My sister is a big reader of Brene Brown. You are moving in such a good direction, your journey. The pictures are amazing! Did you take them? I will try to call you in the next few days. Take care my friend.
    Love, denise?

  2. I’ll have to think on the quote. I’m not sure I get it .
    I do know that I love hearing from you and knowing that you are finding your own way.
    Fantastic pictures. Be well my friend.

  3. It’s no coincidence that you opened to page 169!
    Look what wisdom you got from this! I used to love watching Brene Brown on Super Soul Sunday. Not only does she provide useful information, she is funny as well. Thanks for sharing! What a soul searching trip. The desert has been good for you. I especially loved the first photo. It felt so spiritual to me. Take care!

  4. Brown’s books have helped me along the way. She has a great podcast too with interesting guests.
    Beautiful pictures and sentiments. Stay well. ?

  5. Vulnerability is our heart strength and Brene helps people find it. Beautiful work Connie and lovely photos of your path. ☮️ Peace be with you just as you are?

  6. Connie,
    I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts on your travels. The photos you’ve posted have been spectacular. Brene Brown is amazing. I attended her workshop at Mile Hi Church and it was outstanding. Her podcast, “Unlocking Us” is honest, relevant and sometimes irreverent, but always thought-provoking – highly recommend it.
    Safe travels, Connie! Keep those posts and photos coming.

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