Homeward Bound

I left Quartzsite last week and currently heading towards Tucson to meet up with Rose & Steven. The desert always brings new light to my world. This journey has been highlighted with traveling with special folks.
Starting around The beginning of March I will be heading back to Lakewood, Colorado- back home. Need to be back by the 8th- Max & Susan are leaving town.
Some special stories:

While spending time near the Imperial Dam in SW Arizona a murmuration of red winged black birds flew around the camp- the bright wings streaking through the sky. I did not get a picture. This picture is red winged black birds visiting my camp.

The desert may seem barren and sparse but looking into the space known as the desert it is full of life! This cactus is so healthy and lives in an RV park. Cactus are just beginning to bloom and by June will be too hot for new growth.

The desert is full of palm trees. Many different types- whole orchards of palm trees for palm oil. Some palm trees grow coconuts and more do not grow coconuts. Palm trees live a long time. One palm tree was known to live over 600 years. 150 years is more like it!

Quail run freely through the desert. They love to roam the Sandy washes/ arroyos. I was lucky one day while hiking to see seven quail cross the wash ahead of me. I saw the group several more times as they tried to escape my presence. I enjoyed the sighting without taking a picture. Here is a stock picture to check out quail.


Lots of bird sightings! Western Kingbirds, hummingbirds, sparrows, hawks and vultures have been plentiful.

vultures in a lambing field
Beautiful specimens. ?

The desert is wonderful in the winter. 60-70 degree days. The nights can be chilly (in the 30s- 40s). While there is regular wind the sun shines almost every day. During the winter the snakes, scorpions and tarantulas stay underground and I have yet to see one. As spring arrives so do the creatures. This lizard found on our outside rug is signaling the warmer temps and the snakes will be out soon.

Creativity in the desert!

About 5 inches wide

5 thoughts on “Homeward Bound

  1. Sounds like you have had quite an experience! Saw a lot, learned a lot. I am going to assume you posed with all the cactus or is it cacti growing out of your head and hat! Hilarious! You are one funny gal. Just like your Mom. Take care getting home. Love ya. Diane

  2. Wonderful photos! Looking forward to your return and a visit. Watched Nomadland with Francis McDormand (one of my favorite actresses) and though of you all the way through. Would love to hear your take on it if you have a chance to watch it sometime. Safe travels! ?

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