Wide Open Spaces

California Sunset
Another Sunset

Traveling in the southern part of Arizona and California has it’s own perks-one being the sunsets- they are spectacular. These pitiful pictures from my iphone do NOT show the true beauty that arises almost every evening. I belong to lots of online forums- RV, Friendly women/ camper chicks, campers, Leisure Travel vans, vans for sale, boondocking, Meet at Q, Home on Wheels Ass, , RTR, over 60 solo women, Nomads helping Nomads- to name a few. Many people from these forums are currently camped in southern Arizona and California- and the evening social media is one where ALL the pictures of sunsets brighten up the screens on phones, ipads and computers. Thought I would join you in on the fun!

The desert has my heart. The solitude of being surrounded by Mother Nature allows time and space for a slower pace of living. I love the history of the land!

Currently, the states of Arizona and California are aware of the homeless/houseless issues in front of many Americans. Both states have BLM (Bureau of Land Management) and have created long term campgrounds that allow campers/ boondockers/ nomads the ability to live on designated land for $1-2.00 a day- this includes trash, water and dumping. Also many more acres that allow FREE camping for 14 days. Many many people use these facilities to live their lives.

Just got back from a jaunt where we drove through Box Canyon near Joshua National Monument. At first glance the canyon looks like it has been through a massive weather event. Researching facts:

Box Canyon

1.This Box Canyon (there are many Box Canyons) was the route to get from east to west southern parts of California before 1-10 was built. Also known as the Mecca Hills Wilderness.

2. The only weather event known in the canyon occurred 2018. The entire canyon became a huge wash, an arroyo that rearranged the entire canyon.

3. A cult lived in the canyon until removed. Several of the cult members went on to Jim’s cult to drink the Koolaid.

4. I am going to check out Google Earth to check out what is behind those dirt ridges.

The entire canyon is full of sand. Finding a place to pull over to take a picture was challenging.
My time in the desert paradise!

4 thoughts on “Wide Open Spaces

  1. This was most informative and beautiful at the same time. I love the history of the box canyon, pictures of it were very amazing. I also appreciate your telling of what life is like for people living on BLM land and beyond. As always Connie, love your journey.?

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