Round Mountain

Rockhound BLM near Duncan, Arizona

I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ROcKs! Little ones, garden rocks, mountains made of rocks, river rocks, gems and hopefully soon gold rocks!
Steven told me about this place near Duncan, Arizona. I got to explore and camp miles from anyone!
Rockhound area is about 40 miles from anything.

The first 5 miles from Duncan Highway are a rutted dirt road. The last 7 miles are Primitive for sure. I never made the loop since the road ahead was intimidating for my van.

camping and rockhounding

Fire agates are abundant in this area! I never went more than 30 feet from my van and found all these fire agates.

Totally in my happy place!

3 thoughts on “Round Mountain

  1. We watched Nomadland Friday night, and I thought of you. And now your rocks remind me of the movie.

  2. Hey there! Happy to see you are back in Colorado Ms Connie At least I think you still are. It’s possible you could be on the move again. 🙂 I like your house by the way.. Let me know what’s happening next… Love ya kiddo… Diane

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