Monthly Archives: June 2021

Back in Colorado

Hello Family & Friends,

I got back to Lakewood, Colorado in March and went into a weird hibernation- the wet cool weather kept me inside and the need to be active pushed me towards creating new business.

Spent Easter gathering Easter eggs with Susan & Twilight- that was a highlight!

It is now June, I am feeling more anchored here in Colorado. Have started being more social- meeting in parks and back yards, patios of restaurants and riding in cars for car travel…………

Road trip with Karen to Pawnee Grasslands

Currently, creating a business plan to sell p-styles at rockhound events, gold/ mineral shows, etc. I am having a blast learning about the shows and events while actually gold panning in creeks & metal detecting in streams and parks. I have joined rock clubs, Mineral societies, and signing up for adventures with experts. Luckily, Susan is okay with me bring home rocks and putting them in the yard.

Clear Creek downstream from Coors-The city of Wheat Ridge has designated an area near 42nd and Youngfield as a gold panning area…..Did you know there are over 20 areas in the Metro Denver area that gold panning is allowed and GOLD is found- small flakes of gold!

Last fall when I was in town I bought an inflatable kayak. I blew it up in the livingroom and then kidney stones happened and kayaking did not happen. Finally, today I am heading to Bear Creek Lake to kayak in the swim area. If all goes well I am signed up for a kayaking adventure with Baby Boomer Social Meetup group Friday morning at Chatfield.

I hope these words find you healthy and enjoying LIFE!

