All posts by conniec

South Dakota

It is a lovely rainy day in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I camped in Farm Island Recreation Area outside of Pierre, SD- a beautiful LAKE campground- empty after the holiday week end……..
Currently, hanging in Sioux Falls with dear friends who have opened their hearts and home to me as they move into their new home. I feel blessed to be surrounded by people whose open hearts and minds are part of the journey.
I am leaving tomorrow to head down the road. The weather is leading the way! Either St Joseph, Mo or Rochester, Minnesota!


While MollyG was in Thermopolis the refrigerator appeared to stop working. After driving through major canyons in high heat the frig was definitely dead when I was at Devils Tower. The frig has options to run with Electricity or propane- I used both with NO success. So I took the rig to the nearby CampingWorld, called the RV tech in Colorado, priced refrigerators in Sioux City and Kansas City, etc, etc, etc, Decided to get a cooler and use ice! Saturday afternoon, the frig randomly started working on electricity! After research on Dometic RV refrigerators- I think the altitude, the heat, not being parked level, and the curvy roads caused the frig issues. Here is to POWER! May we all have the power needed to run the cool of life!

Road to Devils Tower

Powder River Pass, Wyoming

After leaving Thermopolis I headed towards the Big Horn Mountains. MollyG and I experienced our first mountain pass – Powder River Pass.

Powder River Pass, Wyoming

Trying to stay OFF interstates- MollyG cruises at 65 mph.

Devils Tower Campground

Last night we stayed at the base of Devils Tower and watched “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” at an outside campground.

Campsite at Devils Tower
Watching “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”

South Dakota – here we come.


1st day in Wyoming – around Cheyenne – Southern part was full of sunflower fields. 2nd day around Casper – checked out Fort Laramie. Lots of Hawks until I reached Hawk Springs – then there was none. Wyoming has huge vastness – sage fields, blue skies! The unexpected ravines, canyons, splits in the earth are frigging amazing. Checked out the Wind River Indian Reservation- near Riverton.

Bulls where I am staying on property near Thermopolis

Third day – Thermopolis – Had breakfast at the Black Bear Cafe and soaked at the Hellies Teepee pools. Tonight is a Sweat Lodge. Tomorrow (Monday morning) I am off to Buffalo Wyoming and Devils tower.

Heading North

I am hitting the road- on my way to Thermopolis Wyoming. Thought I would go SOUTH but friends were busy with the holiday. I will keep you posted on my adventures. In Wyoming I will be soaking in mineral waters and sharing a sweat lodge on Sunday. MollyG is ready for travel. She has had major work done- transmission, rear and front end work, new tires and the entire RV checked out! I am headed to Bloomington the last week in September so I have a lot of time, space and travel to keep my heart open and my head interested!

More of Written by Connie C coming soon!

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See you soon!

Back on the Road

Hello Hello Hello from beautiful Lakewood, Colorado. I have spent the last few weeks at Susan & Max’s home in Lakewood, Colorado. MollyG is at the mechanics getting her front end road worthy and will stay with the mechanic while I take a road trip to Bloomington to do some work, catch up with family and friends and enjoy life! I will be back in Colorado after August 5th- Lakewood, Colorado will be my HOME the rest of the month with plans to head out on the road after Labor Day.
Best part of being back in Colorado is Rose & Steven being near by so I get hugs on a regular basis. I have missed these two special humans who light up my world!


I started this blog so friends and family could track where I am and what I am up to since I seem to be a USA trotter. I will be heading back to Colorado sometime next week. If I get my van back from the mechanics and the weather holds without flash flooding I can leave as early as Saturday June 29th. The plan is to be back in Denver by July 10th when I have a doctor’s appt.