All posts by conniec

Kit Fox

I am enjoying 2021! Currently hanging near the Colorado River in CAlifornia. Just chilling before heading further south.
Last night, I did a bad thing – I left a bag of trash outside my van. I WAS planning on walking ? the bag 200 feet to the trash bins but my comfy bed won.
Around midnight I heard the plastic bag and assumed I had rodents! A much better surprise- when I switched on the porch light I discovered the cutest Kit Fox dragging the bag of trash across the desert floor.

The Fox was small enough I wasn’t afraid and he wasn’t afraid of me either. As I gathered my bag of trash he stayed within 6-8 feet of me- moving near the front of the van near the holiday lights under my engine which are suppose to repel rodents from getting into the engine and chewing wires.

Stock picture

5-6 pounds is so small!

Before this trip I had a motion detector porch light installed. I had been wondering if animals would trigger the light. The light was NOT triggered by my small visitor.

Stock picture

Jamie Sams Medicine cards says FOX medicine is camouflage. I am thinking this is my 2021 energy!

Wickenburg, AZ

cactus wren

I had the opportunity to spend almost a week in Wickenburg, AZ- December 15-21st. I camped on BLM land. I doubt I will be back in Wickenburg but I wanted to share the birds seen in the BLM land.

  • Cactus wrens
  • juniper titmouse
  • white crowned sparrows
  • curved bill thrasher
  • loggerhead shrike
  • western kingbird
  • northern cardinal
  • western Bluebird

it is Christmas Day and I am in Quartzsite, AZ. The sun is shining after 24 hours of a chilly cloudy holiday eve.. It rained a bit last night. I bought Lights to put under my engine to deter mice and pack rats- realized last night I DID decorate for the holiday.
Sending each of you holiday cheer and joy WHEREever you are! We are in this together so enjoy the light, the truth and be okay right where you find yourself on this Christmas Day.
oh my I could use a hug! Virtual hugs please!

Wild Horses

On my bucket list has been to drive and find wild horses. There are many western states that have wild bands of horses and I have wanted to see!

During a day of hikes I noticed a lone wild horse near the parked vans. After a long day of hiking we were driving out of the wilderness in New Mexico I noticed more horses up the road as Rose and Steven drove near them.

Rose & Steven pulled over to the right side of the road right after this group of horses. I pulled up behind their van as wild young stallions were furiously fighting among themselves. Just like in the movies- horses rearing on their back legs to come crashing down on another horses chest with their front legs. All of this fighting was occurring 10-13 feet away from my van. It was scary and exciting.

Just as I noticed the horse stuck in barbwire I saw Steven heading to get some tools. I had been inspired by Steven and his tools to go through my tools and For some reason the day I left Lakewood I put a full size wire cutter under the passenger seat. I handed him the wirecutters and he surveyed the problem. In the picture of the horses the small horse on the left is the foal of the mare stuck in the fence (the 2nd horse on the left)

While Steven worked his way around the fence to get to the rear of the horse since the front of the horse had a young wild stallion trying to protect the mare or was just pissed that we were in his territory. I think the young stallion was an yearling and it was his mother catch in the fence. I tried to keep the young wild stallion at bay while Rose kept her eyes on the rest of the band of horses which included the HEAD stallion rumbling 50 feet away. The only thing we missed was to video this amazing event.

The mare was totally quiet. She never moved while Steven cut the layers of barbwire cutting into her thighs and belly. She was in shock and already knew if she moved it caused more pain. The foal in back must have known Steven was helping because the foal stayed calm, nearby its mother but not threatening. The young wild stallion was a different story. He charged me at least three times- I used my knowledge of horses to make movements and noises to intimidate the stallion- I also did not want to disturb the mare anymore than needed. On the three charge the young stallion came on to the road and I moved BEHIND my van.

The mare did not move until all the barbwire was removed from around her. When she moved into the field the lead stallion screamed into the air “a thank you and get the fuck away”.

This experience touched my heart on so many levels. Steven is a hero and I am so proud of the end results.

Priorities & Appreciation

Everything changes when I am on the road. EVERYTHING including my skin. Skin dries out quickly!

My routines are different due to a smaller space;

Cooler or warmer weather;

Keeping the van clean after driving down dirt roads;

Where does the trash go?

Water, for myself, cooking, personal hygiene;

Toilets/ Bathroom requirements change dramatically;

Sunscreen care- lotions, hats, long sleeve shirts;

Bug Repellants- sprays, lotions and swatters;

Warmth at night- extra blankets, working furnaces, a bedtime hoodie to cover the head;

Security- bear spray, hornet/ wasp spray, small baseball bat, whistles, noise makers, mace, motion detector porch light;

Food prep/ Storage- RV fridges are known for not working properly.

All said and done I got a huge sense of accomplishment this morning after I built a fire and burnt my burnable trash. My fellow traveler went into town to discard the rest of the trash. My van was clean, trash removed and a brand new day! I feel great!

Full Circle

Hello from New Mexico! After checking off, with WELL Done. all the health and dental issues- I hit the road on December 4th after getting my permanent crowns. The van has been updated with 200watts of solar, furnace is working well, motion detector porch light installed, a new cloth covering for the air conditioner, a new shower floor cover. My first stop was from my bucket list- I stayed at Joyful Journey Hot Springs! Yes, it is pricey but my soul would have paid much more to soak in the evening and again in the morning with vegetarian dinners and breakfast. The weather has been brisk so far on this trip. I have already winterized (remove the water from the van and add RV antifreeze) so I don’t have to worry about my pipes freezing since the nighttime temps have been under 20 degrees.

Notice the Sangre De Cristo Mountains in the background. Joyful Journey has yurts and rooms to rent. Also notice the cloth cover on the back of my van. Designed by Steven, Susan and myself. Marine snaps hold the cover in place- waterproof and hopefully dirt and wind proof! If your eyes noticed a For Sale sign- it is true- MollyG is for sale. The solar panels are on the top of the van. Ready for rolling!

I left Joyful Journey to meet up with Rose & Steven near the four corners area. We stayed at a Harvest Host in Blanco, NM- Wines of the San Juans. Great to catch up with R & S to enjoy an afternoon/evening of sipping wine, swinging and being back with family.

Masks and distancing is alive and done well in New Mexico.

We spent the next morning at Aztec, NM at the Aztec Ruins. The reconstructed ruins and the verbal descriptions from an automated phone system gave us a good idea of what was in store for us over the next few days. I do not take many pictures since others do a much better job and I really need to watch my own feet to stay safe. If interested- Go to my daughter’s FaceBook page to see the great pictures and descriptions. Rose Pon- Facebook.

The 2nd part of the day was checking out petroglyphics in Crow Canyon on our way to Chaco Canyon. Here is a picture Rose took.

The days have been in the 50’s and can get cold quickly so what you see is my warm bag lady outfit. Long johns and cordaroy pants on the bottom and a sweatshirt, a long sleeve shirt with long johns on top. Backback has water, scarves, gloves, hat, etc.

Met a young American native photographer at Crow Canyon. His work is used in creating stories to help people understand the land. Trying to help others protest all the oil & gas rigs in New Mexico. It is not pretty! Also told me about a book to read “House of Rain. John told me about Changing Woman who I felt a kinship- I am going to research her. John was looking for hourglass petroglyphics that represent Changing Woman.

The day we spent at Chaco was full! We walked to all the ruins but two which the distance was too far for our time span. Interesting, to see the ruins and how people lived hundreds of years ago. The road in to Chaco Headquarters is horrid and I will never take an older van down those roads again. I wonder if 4 wheel drive would help the drive?

Not sure, but think this is Bonita Village ruins in the background.

We spent the night at the parking lot of AH-SHI-SLE-PAH. I was tired from all the walking at Chaco Canyon and it was a chilly morning so I thought I would not go but I had woke up real early and was actually ready to go at 8:30. I am so glad I went because this area is my ALL time favorite place! It is magical! Every piece of blown sand created a piece of art! Every where I looked I saw Mother Nature in her wonderous ways! Not ONE bit of manmade anything. I want to come back when there is water- that trip is now on my bucket list!

Steven took this picture.

We had an amazing experience with wild horses- my first time seeing wild horses. Steven is a hero I will share on another blog.

Looking forward to get to Quartzsite by Christmas.

The Road Less Traveled

Greetings fellow earthlings- I did not drop off the edge or maybe I did. I realized I quit blogging when I am back in Lakewood living with Max & Susan. I thought traveling is extraordinary but that everyday living gets old and people do not want to hear or share. We are living in a time that EVERYONE is dealing with major change. Social distancing, isolation, political upheaval has created new territory for each person to try to find a safe path. EACH path is different!

I have been back in Lakewood, Colorado for about 3 months. I arrived knowing I had some medical issues to address. I was surprised at the amount of time and the physical issues that have surfaced. As Betty Davis stated “Getting old is not for sissys”. I have been hesitant to share since I am fully aware that each person I know has their own story. Feel free to connect with me, now that I am feeling fine, if you have a story you would like to share.

#1- Visiting nurse found I had high blood pressure in the middle of the day. Changed meds twice to find a combination that seems to be working except for a runny nose as a side effect.

#2- I have had kidney stones 3 other times (2009, 2012, 2019) and the stones were zapped. Well it appears the zapping did not get rid of the kidney stones so I found myself setting up surgery to remove the stones. I had NEVER experienced any pain with the stones until two days before my surgery. I NOW KNOW the pain! Plus the constant discomfort from a stent that loops into the kidney, goes into the ureter and then another loop in the bladder for 11 days. Currently, drinking lots of fluids and feeling great in my urinary tract!

#3- Right hip has been weak ever since we flipped my mothers house- 14 hours days for 5 weeks was enough for my hip to yell out loud. A good chiropractor, exercises, acupuncture and supplements have made a huge difference. Tested the hip this week on a short walk with Cheryl on the Platte River Trail.

#4- A blood test in the emergency room showed really high glucose so I did a A1C test in my doctors office 2 weeks later which showed I was not even pre-diabetic. I know know that when one has an IV-sugar water is usually added- hence high blood sugar counts.

Covid-19 has brought new awarenesses regarding CHANGE!

Major Change is happening to each of us. Change has always been around but the current rate of change keeps knocking at our door with loud banging.

I find myself Moving between being alone versus lonely.

Financial security is scary for many! Emotional security comes and goes.

Friends and family are creating new ways to connect. Friends and family are finding distancing can be positive as well as negative.

Illness and wellness have a whole new agenda!

My current plans are to start traveling the last part of November- most likely to Arizona for the warmth, friends and cheap living. Max & Susan are traveling in their van right after the election for several weeks.

Be well!!!!!!

Back Home

Colorado is my home. I feel a warmth in my heart as I arrive and live in this western state. The road trip took me to four states- Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. MollyG drove 3547 miles. We left May 17 and I got back to Denver area July 25th- 10 weeks.


Hanging with Rose & Steven was a wonderful adventure. I learned so much about myself- my abilities and my limitations. I am quite capable being on the road alone but I now know I prefer companionship so I will check out caravans, traveling friends and other ways to travel.

I LOVE traveling and experiencing the unknown. The nomad lifestyle is a gift of expansion! So grateful for the time spent with family, friends and Mother Nature! I am a HAPPY camper!

My reality!

I will be hanging in Lakewood for August and most of September. Many possibilities but I will allow what will be!

True gratitude for a safe trip, a fullness of heart and a knowing ALL is as it is!


Traveling back to Colorado

Camped along the Snake River

Spent a night in the Swan Valley at The Falls Campground. My camp was 50 feet from an arm of the Snake River.

cute ground squirrel

I drove pass Palisades Reservoir which backs up the Snake River into a recreational wonderland. I saw 15-20 peregrine nests – looks like the electric poles are set up for the nests.

The last two days have been sunny and HOT. Quite a change from the high altitudes in Ketchum/ Galena area.
I drove within 30 miles of Jackson Hole following The Snake River and then the Hoback River.

Palisades Reservoir
Snake River in Idaho- can you see the rafters?
Snake River

Last night I camped at Fontenelle Reservoir where the Green River creates lots of water fun! While checking out my campground I noticed Huge holes in the ground. At least 4 huge holes with a smaller hole at the very bottom. I wanted to see what kind of animal lived there. I checked late and saw a prairie dog watching my van.

Fontenelle Reservoir
Fontenelle Reservoir
Fontenelle Reservoir

Now I am near Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area following the Green River. Today I am looking at Colorado maps to figure out how I will get to Lakewood by Monday. It is a wonderful road trip!


Sorry about the long read. I wanted to share what I have seen on the road.

Traveling during COVID-19.

 I have been traveling in my camper van since May 17, 2020. Most of the time I have been traveling with my daughter, Rose and son-in-law, Steven whom have their own super dooper camper van. We decided we needed to do self isolation for 14 days before hugging. 

  • We left Denver and camped in BLM (bureau of land management) and a state park. In May, some Coloradans were wearing masks in stores and a few wore masks while outside. In the state park I gave a mask to a ranger who had forgotten his at home. Social distancing on marked hiking paths was easy for me  just get out of the way. I found myself gravitating physically closer towards family & friends when I needed to allow more distancing since not everyone was wearing masks. Rose who is really aware about the virus had to remind me over and over to not stand next to people or pet dogs.
  • #some Campgrounds were closed.
  • #State parks required reservations which weren’t that easy to get.
  • #Showers and bathrooms were closed. Laundries were open.
  • #Some RV parks were still closed. I assume the RV parks are now open.
  • #weekends we’re full of campers. Campsites were more available during the week- typical for Colorado.

May 2020- Colorado – Grand Junction and Fruita area – very few masks being worn. The locals were still offering hugs and handshakes. Rose had to remind me to not accept the hugs and handshakes. Some businesses had marked off 6 foot distances but most people paid little attention to 6 foot distance and no enforcement  was happening. 
Colorado-May 2020 has governor highly recommending  masks and social distancing. Many people were following the recommendation. In Montrose 40% of the people in Albertsons were wearing masks and distancing- all older people like myself. 
Utah- May 28-June 10-only a small portion of people were wearing masks.. when I wore a mask I was stared at. No required social distancing or masks. 
Trash cans are available minimally. Campers / nomads/ homeless living in cars had created trash issues during the beginning of COVID-19 by not having places to stay because state& federal parks were closed. Where to put your trash if facilities are closed? Trash is a big problem now because trash cans have been eliminated because of misuse. So now the only trash cans are at gas stations or right in front of stores- not in the parking lots. During this entire trip TRASH is a problem. Campgrounds are left with bags of trash, cans & bottles in almost every fire pit. I create a small bag of trash every day and at the last gas stop all the trash cans were full – I had to work to get my bag of trash to fit. At one campground without trash cans, Steven and Rose picked up two large trash bags and trucked the Bags out of the Forest to a rangers station. 
In NE Utah, around Vernal No one was wearing masks! No one! Once I got around Salt Lake City, June 10th I started seeing more people in Utah wearing masks and trying to practice social distancing because their COVID-19 cases had risen. 
I arrived in Preston, Idaho on June 10th and noticed very little regard to the virus. The local store did not require workers or customers to wear masks or stay 6 feet apart. I saw two other seniors wearing masks. When I left Preston on June 28th I stopped in the local store and almost every one was wearing masks and keeping distance – once again due to number of virus cases increasing in the area. The RV park I stayed in did not require masks but everyone gave me plenty of distance. In Pocatella, Idaho Falls and Rexburg during June there was little mask wearing except for seniors. The workers in the stores were now wearing masks but not many customers. I had a lady move within 2 feet of me at the cash register and then her husband joined her – totally unaware. I realized in that moment I had to take care of myself! 

I arrived in beautiful Driggs on 6/30/2020. The local store’s workers were all wearing masks and again only a few other seniors were masked. The lady at the art supply store required masks until she took my credit card and then removed her mask. 7/6/2020 – went back to the local Driggs market and now masks are required! I stopped at a local RV park for water and a shower and everyone stayed away from me and wore masks. Because now the virus numbers are rising. 7/12/2020- Ketchum, Idaho has a flashing sign as you enter town – distancing & masks REQUIRED!

Yesterday(7/19/20) I stopped at an RV park and their bathrooms were closed because they did not have the staff to clean the bathrooms as needed during COVID.


Today as I got my free breakfast a women with four boys walked in- one of the boys hacking, coughing with no covering. I had my mask on and quickly left.

From my experiences, I can take care of only myself. My choices! My health!
Hope all of you are well and enjoying life!

Zoom is our new friend!