All posts by conniec

On the Road Again

Greetings friends and family who are following me on this adventure called LIFE! I have spent October and November in Colorado. So blessed to have friends who open their homes to me to rest, renew and LIVE. The time in Denver has allowed a Road Scholar
trip to California, doctor & dentist appointments, dealing with insurance after a hit/run on the Subaru,  mourning a dear friend who made Mondays my fAVORITE day of the week, physical what nots- kidney stones, tight muscles- from driving and a fall. 

I am trying to get out of town but the weather had another path so the plan now is to leave on Sunday (11/30/19) and head for Hasty, CO and then on to Canyon, TX. I was aiming for Bloomington, IN but that may have already changed.

For December, I plan on staying in the southern states with possible skirting along the Gulf of Mexico. Heading back to Colorado to spend the first part of January in Lakewood.  Possibly heading to Quartzsite, AZ for part of the winter. 

Road Scholar Trip

My Road Scholar trip to the California Delta for watching birds from a boat was amazing. The weather was perfect – 70s. The boat was perfect – shady hanging in the bottom while full sun / weather on the top. The Delta is awesome – Mother Nature at her finest – with mankind needing to provide safety nets to maintain the delta’s gifts. Ecology wise the Delta is suffering! While driving through the midwest I saw RV parks filled 80-90% with permanent residents- vacationers are the exception. In California the RV parks are similar and so are the water ways – marinas, river banks, people living in boats.

While in California I never used private transportation- I used shuttles, Lyft rides and The Bart! Felt liberating!

I only took a few pictures – spent most of my time enjoying the wildlife and the people around me. There was a photographer who did take many pictures. When I get the link to the pictures- I will add the link to my blog!

Road Scholars does an excellent job in creating adventures that incorporates the ecology, reality with nature. I want to take more trips with Road Scholars. 

Check out my video:

This Body!

Hello fellow Body’s! My blogs have been personal yet not too much in the way of intimate information. Time to share why the blog has been silent.
I arrived in Lakewood (Susan & Max’s home) from a 5 week RV trip on October 2nd.
I parked MollyG in the back yard and unpacked. My right shoulder ached but I dismissed the pain. On October 4th, I had a prescheduled massage with Tanya at Fractal Massage- The massage HURT! My shoulders and my hips were frozen from the 3 days of tense driving in the wind. I have never felt such tension! I have had to spent time, money and intention to work through these BODY issues- as of today October 28th- I can honestly say “I feel fine”. 

On the 9th of October as I moved the van to the front yard the brake pedal went to the floor- so MollyG got NEW shoes! The RV folks came out to check out the fridge which is was working perfectly when the repair guy got here. 

Two weeks ago I found blood in my urine which is the only way I know I have kidney stones since I have NO pain with the three times I have had kidney stones. The stone passed  right after the CAT scan which is the only way to find where the stone was located. I appreciate the fact that I do not have pain with kidney stones! I haven’t had a stone in 8 years so I think the soda pop which I started drinking during the heat of my travels may have triggered the stone- and maybe sitting rigidly for three days was also a factor. 

As you can see the time here in Colorado has had it’s own challenges. So grateful for a body that works well most of the time, heals quickly and lets me know when I need to slow down and enjoy the adventure. 

#gratitude #healthy #MollyG #wellness


Hello Friends, A quick update to future travels. Keep in mind my life can and does change quickly (same as everyone else). I LOVE visiting with friends and family when I am in town- please reach out if you would like to connect.

I am currently in Lakewood Colorado staying with Susan, Max and kitty Cleo. I fly to California on November 9th- 14th for a Road Scholar adventure – see attached picture with boat and program cover.

Upcoming trip

When I get back to Colorado I am planning on driving the van south- depending on the weather. I am heading EAST for Thanksgiving. December will be spent in the warmth of the southern states. I am planning on being in Colorado for Christmas and January.

Windy weather

Last week in September – I am on my way back to Denver after a 5 week RV van road trip. I am currently experiencing weather related travel issues which got me thinking about this trip’s weather cycles. I haven’t chatted about the weather but I think it is time.

I started the road trip by traveling through Wyoming. It was windy and hot. I remember thinking it is always windy in Wyoming. When I drove through South Dakota I remember thinking does the wind blow in SD all the time? WINDy in Iowa, parts of Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee. Rarely could use cruise control because of the wind gusts. The first weeks of my trip encountered rainy days, dewy mornings and days of driving with clouds. I left Iowa after an intense thunder storm and nearby tornadoes in Sioux Falls. As I drove into Missouri, then Indiana, Kentucky & Tennessee the weather became dry, hot and humid- weeks without rain. I quit looking at weather reports! My van was covered in splattered bug guts without rain to wash them off.

I left Indiana on Friday, September 27 around noon. The WIND was blowing but my favorite road from Bloomington to Terra Haute 46 was as lovely as usual – Farm lands, floating lakes, bridges, cemeteries, lots of tree lined passages and familiarity. I got on I-70 and was quickly in dangerous situations as semi trucks would pass me and the wind currents messed with my high profile vehicle. Very windy and scary. I quickly left the interstate and got on 40. So much better – yet trucks coming towards the van caused the windshield wipers to pop upward. Could not make it to St Louis!

Click below to see me driving in the wind!

Saturday I got up early to try to miss the wind and drove I-70 through St Louis to Columbia. The wind got worse so I headed south to rural 2 lane rural roads. I ended up tired and in a RV camp in Sedalia, Missouri. That night as I laid in bed reading I started to hear weird thunder in the distance. I checked the radar for the first time in weeks. See picture of weather map. The storm came fast and hard. I found myself snuggling into my quilt which was soggy from the rain leaking into the back door!

It took me three days to get through Kansas because of the horrid winds. One day I drove 250 miles and it took 7 hours – another day I drove 9 hours and went 275 miles. I arrived in Lakewood, Colorado on Monday, October 1st with sore shoulders and hips from all the tense driving.

Knoxville, Tennessee

Tennessee is beautiful! The meandering Tennessee River is awesome. Smoky Mountains breathtaking!

Connie and Esther

Connie, Esther and Beverly

My childhood friend, Beverly, made sure a good time was experienced. We were teenagers the last time we connected. Bev’s mom Esther is the last living friend of my Moms – a big smile came to Esther whenever she was told (reminded) “Marilyn Crossmans daughter Connie”. I enjoyed being around this sweet family! A nearby fire was big news – bring on autumn allergies. Downtown Knoxville was fun and a trip to a nearby cemetery made my day. Joined a water aerobic class – lots of good exercise. I need to come back for a longer visit – so much to see in the area.

Lake Living in Kentucky

Living the good life on Herrington Lake in Danville, Kentucky. Much appreciation to Chuck & Lynn for sharing their community with me! Boat rides, good food, birthday parties, golf cart tours, meditations on the patio overlooking the beautiful Herrington Lake and the BEST company. Thank you Loelle for sharing your parents with me!


I spent several days in St Joseph, Missouri at the AOK RV Camp, owned by former Colorado residents. Dale and Sandy have been so very helpful in sharing their knowledge on RVing. Dale showed me how to manage my water- drinking, heating, filling, etc. Plus he showed me how to use the DREadED black & gray water systems. Also replaced an alarm sensor. Also more info on leveling – got apps on my phone now. I cut out window shields from shiny silver material that now keep light, cold and heat out or in. I left the camp because they were totally full and I did not have a reservation for the week end…  I am now in Bloomington, still trying to figure out the next leg of my trip – possibly Kentucky and Tennessee. Maybe Virginia to see my nephew and his family. I will be back in Colorado by October 2nd and will spend most of the month house sitting in Lakewood. Going to spend the morning making appointments for October….

Bloomington breakfast spot

Thoughts on Traveling

As I drive through the United States I am either enjoying the beauty of the land or I am heavy in thought. At times I am overwhelmed with the majestic scenery and I find myself talking out loud to myself because I want to share!
#The prairies in South Dakota have different type grasses than the prairies in Nebraska and the prairies in Kansas are different as well. Different nutrients for the grass grazing animals?
#South Dakota has many small well maintained farms. Missouri has many small farms but not as well maintained. Illinois has lots of big farms!
#In my van I do NOT do much passing – I am the vehicle being passed. I notice on two lane rural highways – many people do not know when to pass safely even though there are passing lines.
#Wind and high profile vans can be scary!
#Pelicans are everywhere throughout the Midwest!
#The Missouri river between St Joseph, Mo and South Dakota (on I-29) is still flooded. Storms happened in March/April – I drove this route the first week in July and saw the devastation of the flooding – farms under water, highway off/on ramps covered in smelly murky water. I drove the route last week and this area will NEVER be the same!
#I like being around people! I love being alone in nature! Life is interesting!