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Wyoming & Idaho

plans changed! I decided to drive to Jackson and spend the night. My friends had unexpected things to do so I drove my van to Alpine, Wyoming to find that 40miles from Jackson there weren’t any RV spots and if they were available the site would cost $60-100.00.

started the ride following a large herd of sheep. Notice the puppy near the horse – in training!
Beautiful country – Oregon Trail!
my campsite near Soda Springs, Idaho
Soda Creek
is is a ve

New Friends/ Bear Lake- Idaho & Utah- 6/23/20

here I am still in Cub River RV Park outside of Preston, Idaho having a great time. I have made friends with Denise the owner of the park and Gay a neighbor. Yesterday, we drove to Bear Lake- saw both Idaho and Utah lake shore.. I have been offered a job to stay at the park and help out. Life is interesting! We are driving to Jackson Hole tomorrow. This place is close to many amazing areas !
I will be meeting up with Rose & Steven this weekend after helping out this weekend with a full RV park!

Bear Lake
Connie, Denise, Gay
Bear Lake Valley
The beautiful valley!

June 18,2020- Cub River Lodge, Guest Ranch & RV Park

For the last 10 days I have stayed in a small RV park 9 miles from Preston, Idaho. This family owned business has become an oasis for me. The Cub River runs briskly through the park filled with shade trees, grassy area and a koi pond. Denise the owner is Friendly and all about customer service. I highly recommend this campground! Here are pictures of a nearby area- snowed on the peaks two nights ago!

Cache Mountains
Cache Mountains in Idaho

Devils Kitchen in Utah

This is the most beautiful Forest! The mountains are lush with flowers that are garden like, all sorts of trees and bushes. Mother Nature sure did good !

Our camp site!
A cute horny toad
Steven & Rose enjoying the view!
look at my picture!
breath taking views
rain is coming !
Little Bryce Canyon

Misc – oh mys!

While I haven’t seen much larger wildlife I have been seeing lots of birds and smaller rodent type creatures. Tree Squirrels , chipmunks, and ground squirrels. In Duchesne there were tiny chipmunks the size of a mouse. So cute.

Coming out of the Manti-la Sal National Forest I saw a Jack rabbit – the size of a medium dog with ears almost as big as his body.

Snakes!! At the bottom of the Little Grand Canyon I drove over a snake then in our campsite we watched a 3 foot gopher/ rat snake cross the dirt road to get to Abby. The snake crawled up into the warm motor Where Steven removed the snake. The snake then climbed into a nearby tree. The next morning there was a snake trail from the tree to under my van, MollyG! Luckily we didn’t see any more snakes at this camp!

Rose& Steven checking out the snake.
Little snake!

Bugs! Bugs! While we camped along the Delores River in Colorado the gnats were horrid. Large swarms flew near our vans. I think the bugs were bad because of all the COWS! The last night I went to bed and noticed 3-4 gnats flying around my lights. I proceeded to kill several rounds before starting to read. A few minutes later I looked up at my light to see 1000s of all types of flies, gnats, etc. I sprayed them with Terra-Shield which meant I had thousands of bugs plastered to my roof, light and cabinets. The thought of sleeping with all those bugs was frightening. So I got out my portable lantern, turned out the van light and then when the portable lantern was covered in ? bugs, the lantern went outside!

Buggy Canyon!

On my own again!

As of 6/6/20, Rose and Steven have gone to Nevada to adventure in Abby. I decided to slow down and continue to enjoy Utah. I stayed in Duchesne, Utah at a campground near Starvation Reservoir and on June 10th moved to a campground along the Cub River 9 miles outside of Preston, Idaho. I will be meeting up with Rose & Steven again to check out Idaho!

I can see a patch of the reservoir!
a bit chilly
Tiny tiny chipmunks, Mountain Bluebirds And all sorts of finches.