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Hartman Rocks

Our next adventure took us to Hartman Rocks near Gunnison, CO. The road in took me to new level of driving MollyG- I truly thought I had done damage taking her up a steep, loose gravel, dust flying road up to our campground with large rocks to avoid. Thankfully Steven walked me through the really bad places. I saw more Lazuli Buntings and several perky Canyon Wrens!


I am having such a good time traveling with Rose & Steven. Connecting With my favorite humans has been lovely and FUN! 12 days of great adventure! Cell phone connections has been absent unless we are spending time in a city. Last Saturday, In Montrose, a shower, laundry, shopping and catching up on emails was completed. Today we are in Grand Junction dealing with vehicle stuff – my MollyG needs some shock air bag parts and plumbing supplies to fix a sink leak. Rose & Steven’s Abby needed tires rotated. I have cell power! So I am going to get this blog out! More blogs to come, when I have connection, to share the beautiful places we have visited in Colorado.

My Bucket is Full!

I left Lakewood, Colorado on May 16, 2020 following my daughter, Rose and her husband, Steven in our class b vans. They took me on their maiden voyage May 2016 in their Class B named Abby. Ever since I have wanted to join them and especially since I bought my Class B van last year in May.

My dream has occurred and I am traveling with Rose and Steven. The first night we camped outside of Nathrop, CO in the San Isabel National Forest. Saw antelope and a beaver while driving and many birds in the campground- many Lazuli Buntings, Pine Grosbeaks assisting Rose with her morning yoga and a Peregrine Falcon came flying through the campground chasing some small birds.

Boating and Adventures!

Hello Friends and Family,
As May passes I know WE ALL are in the same situation. Something I read mentioned we are all in the same situation but in different boats. My older friend lives in total isolation in her Manhattan apartment boat listening each evening to the scores of New Yorkers loudly celebrating the FIRST RESPONDERS, hospital worker, and caregivers every evening at 7pm. She has not seen anyone in two months. Loneliness is her companion. Her one man fishing boat keeps her afloat.
Several friends watch parents or grandparents in assisted living boats. Patients are isolated in their rooms- not sharing meals anymore, everyone wearing masks, community activities GONE! Caregivers wearing two masks to prevent spreading the virus that has managed to claim patients and caregivers. Cruise ships filled with people and no where to go!
I have friends boondocking on BLM land because they do not own brick & mortar homes and live in their RVS, vans, tents, cars ALL year. Their lives depend on weather that does not kill- not too hot, not too cold! Brave captains of small individual boats! House boats riding the rivers!
My boat has been living with my best friend Susan and her husband Max (and kitty Cleo). Three seniors who are older with heart issues, asthma and recent (6 weeks) appendectomy. We have found a balance of delivery, pickup, shopping during senior hours, zoom calls and virtual hugs. Steady as you go canoes!
I come back to Colorado to dance, share and experience physical connections. My mental health therapist says humans need human connection- I know I do! Hopefully when I get back into town this virus thing will be controlled. In the meantime, I am gifted with a home that allows me to get physical hugs, vibrant conversation and different ways to look $ feel at LIFE. Plus homemade bread and cookies from Max our fine baker.
I haven’t hugged Rose since 12/4/2019 when I left to winter in Quartzsite, AZ. When I came back to Lakewood the last of January Steven & Rose were really sick so we decided to not hug/ kiss at that time. A few weeks later the isolation started so we have stayed 6 feet apart when I come over to help with the gardening. I look forward to isolating with Rose and Steven when we start traveling later this week. A great big hug is in my future!
My van is loaded and ready to get back on the roads. My daughter, Rose and son-in-law Steven sold their Golden house yesterday, packed their Earth Cruiser and WE are leaving the comfort of homes to find the adventure in traveling vans. Check out Earth Cruisers- they are a really nice secure BOAT!
Since I do NOT know when we are leaving or where we are going another blog entry will happen soon.
I appreciate each of you coming along with me. Your comments warm my heart and I feel love. I send each of you healing energy to get in your boat and make it the best DAMN boat ever!

Back to Colorado………

I drove back to Colorado this week. I was thinking the COLD was going to be a big hassle so I tried to take the warmest route home. However, all routes to Colorado had below freezing temps in the night. I camped at an RV park- first time since December 23rd, 2019 I am an official BOONDOCKER- the van and I do NOT need to be plugged into electricity. The long hot shower was divine!
The 2nd day I drove over 400 miles to try to find warmer nights but found myself camping in a parking lot in Bayfield, CO where the morning temp was 14! Ice on the inside and outside of my metal/ fiberglass van. A mile into my trip I saw a bald eagle, a couple of deer and a field of shimmering fields of snow covered in diamonds! The evergreens were covered in ice that shined through sunlit forests.

San Juan Mountains

After a visit to Joyful Journey Hot Springs I spent the night in Salida with Rita Reid an old friend who I haven’t seen in ages.

Deer run throughout Salida!

Saturday morning found me traveling a 2 lane road to Denver- 285. Twenty miles outside of Salida a traffic accident stopped any progress for 2 hours. I got out my binoculars and checked out the mountains all around me.
I now have a new maRKETING tool- when I am in a traffic jam I should pull over to the side- get out my Pstyle cart and walk down the line of cars!

Hello Colorado!

I arrived in Lakewood to beautiful Colorado weather- sunny and warm. Last two nights in a brick & mortar house I have found myself hot and sweaty! Lifestyle changes!
Colorado is beautiful and I am happy to call her HOME!

Spirit in the Sonoran Desert

God showing off!

Hello from Plomsa Bureau of Land Management. I arrived in the Sonora Desert on December 9th, 2019. It has taken me until yesterday to find my own time & space- my wish of meditating in the desert, finding the spiritual side of living and having very little stress.  I am now meditating, journaling, singing, praying, playing, sighing, laughing, crying, collecting rocks, pulling cards, dreaming, planning, seeing hummingbirds, understanding, drawing blanks, releasing honey bees from the van (don’t think they are desert killer bees) and enjoying my lovely desert. 

Current camp ground at Plomosa BLM

The first 30 days were filled with the holidays, trying to find a new way to celebrate during the holidays. I have been carrying my leather drum in MollyG from the beginning and until the winter solstice I never brought her out. On December 21st, I built a fire and started drumming- a dog starts barking at my drumming and will not stop so I put my drum away. On Christmas Eve, I was at a fire and after most people went back to their camps I drummed a short song to fill my heart. Unfortunately, a man celebrating the holiday with “liquid spirits” decided I needed some constructive criticism. I now will NEVER accept any constructive criticism ever again  because it is just criticism. Plus MY drumming is my own pleasure and I will enjoy the drum during private time or a drum circle or playing during a NIA routine.  I took my own advice and on New Years Eve I drummed before and after our fire- all alone and completely at peace. 

From my favorite spot- my bed!

Finding people to hang with has also been a challenge. However, it is easy in the camping world to move on without drama. This has given me much needed practice to leave situations or people. Reminder: Stayed in a marriage for 30 years. I have joined and moved on a few times. Currently, The Universe gifted me two like minded women- Victoria and Pamela- and after a week we still like one another, NO drama, no animals, yes to common sense and reliability.  In fact, we are a team and enjoy each other. Nice to have someone to drive to town with and get a meal. Nice to share camp fires. As the Women’s Rubber Tramp Rendezvous gets closer we may open the camp to other traveling women with like minded ideas.  I truly think I will find myself traveling or camping with Victoria or Pamela in the future. 

Such beauty!

Tomorrow starts the Women’s Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. I have 60 Pstyles to sell over the next week. Selling Pstyles at RV shows and rock/gem shows may be in my future if this gig works.  I will know quickly. 

I will be heading back to Denver later this month with an arrival of around January 31st.  I will be in town for awhile and I am looking forward to connecting with friends and family. I really miss my baby sister Christy- we grew very close caring for Mom. 

I send all of your desert blessings! Beauty, quiet, warmth, extremes, the best sunsets and sunrises, and interesting folks! 

Heading South!

I finally found some warmth! This trip has had weather at my heels. I drove through Glenwood Canyon 12 hours before it was closed due to the same snow storm I awoke to on Thursday morning. That same storm left Utah and some of northern Arizona with lots of snow. Each day I have awoke to frost or snow on my windows. This morning a nice cup of tea warmed me and the inside of the van with the flames flickering on the propane stove.
The United States is so beautiful! I have seen such land that takes one breath away. My adventures in Arizona are continuing. Monument Valley is full of inspiration. I decided to go through Prescott, AR but did not check with my RV road map and found myself on 89 south. It took me 30 minutes to go 8 miles. I will heed warnings in the future, check more thoroughly, write about the scary road I took with MollyG- NO pictures since my red knuckles wouldn’t leave the steering wheel. Novice RVer!


Utah- 12/2019- The beauty in VASTNESS! Miles of sheer cliffs, acres of brush, bushes and ROCK. The amazing scenes in front and then I turn around and see a whole different miracle. Then I turn to my left and “oh my God” escapes from my lips.
MollyG and I got off 1-70 and drove HI-128 to Moab. I had never been south of I-70 so Moab was brand new for me. A fun town. After Moab we took 191 to Bluff, UT. Bluff is an interesting town with some weird rock formations all around. This route is one of my all time favorite drives- simply beautiful! Around each corner was another breathtaking scene! This series of pictures is from ONE spot!

One of my content happy places!


Symbols are a fun part of my life! I LOVE how the Universe brings me special Gifts in my day to day living. Today has been a day of transitions- This morning I decided to leave town on Wednesday, so I started packing the van. As I was opening an outside van compartment the key snapped in half. I found myself at Home Depot getting keys made. I drove home and tried the keys which worked perfectly. I walked inside the house to pee and noticed something sticky on the door handle- I stopped and checked out the door handle and closed the door- and now the door is locked…………Keys and doors…. Doors and keys…….Go together!
Keys in spirituality are connected with gateways and portals, doorways to the unknown, knowledge, mysteries, powers, initiations, new ways, and answers to curious questions.
A door or doorway symbolizes the transition and passageway from one place to another.
Messages for me on this December day!