Category Archives: Uncategorized

What am I going to do today?

Weather! I am going to take care of weather related chores. I KNOW I am not the only person spending time shoveling snow from sidewalks, driveways and cars. Shaking heavy snow from trees and bushes. Checking water lines!
I have been trying to leave town for weeks! The weather, my health and some legal stuff has kept me around Denver, The current plan is to leave next week for Arizona- heading for Quartzsite, AZ. Mother Nature is in charge!

May your holidays be filled with kindness and caring. Hope you are surrounded by people (and animals) that you love and who love you! Gratitude for each moment for each breath! 

Be safe out there!


During my time in Colorado I met with my technical adviser to take a step further with my travel writing. Plus I am selling pstyles, Doterra oils and pinecone ducks which needed a way to market and purchase. Also wanted a business card and email template to share my blog address, telephone and email while I am traveling. At some point I will be doing instant-gram and have a reliable store on Etsy.

On the Road Again

Greetings friends and family who are following me on this adventure called LIFE! I have spent October and November in Colorado. So blessed to have friends who open their homes to me to rest, renew and LIVE. The time in Denver has allowed a Road Scholar
trip to California, doctor & dentist appointments, dealing with insurance after a hit/run on the Subaru,  mourning a dear friend who made Mondays my fAVORITE day of the week, physical what nots- kidney stones, tight muscles- from driving and a fall. 

I am trying to get out of town but the weather had another path so the plan now is to leave on Sunday (11/30/19) and head for Hasty, CO and then on to Canyon, TX. I was aiming for Bloomington, IN but that may have already changed.

For December, I plan on staying in the southern states with possible skirting along the Gulf of Mexico. Heading back to Colorado to spend the first part of January in Lakewood.  Possibly heading to Quartzsite, AZ for part of the winter. 

Back on the Road

Hello Hello Hello from beautiful Lakewood, Colorado. I have spent the last few weeks at Susan & Max’s home in Lakewood, Colorado. MollyG is at the mechanics getting her front end road worthy and will stay with the mechanic while I take a road trip to Bloomington to do some work, catch up with family and friends and enjoy life! I will be back in Colorado after August 5th- Lakewood, Colorado will be my HOME the rest of the month with plans to head out on the road after Labor Day.
Best part of being back in Colorado is Rose & Steven being near by so I get hugs on a regular basis. I have missed these two special humans who light up my world!


I started this blog so friends and family could track where I am and what I am up to since I seem to be a USA trotter. I will be heading back to Colorado sometime next week. If I get my van back from the mechanics and the weather holds without flash flooding I can leave as early as Saturday June 29th. The plan is to be back in Denver by July 10th when I have a doctor’s appt.