Road Scholar- 2019

Many of you watched as I applied, was awarded, and went on my Road Scholar adventure in the California Delta outside of San Francisco- November 10-14th. We had along a professional photographer who took these wonderful pictures of our time on the boat! Check out Road Scholar – they have great trips – use to be called Elder Hostel. They also provide scholarships to caregivers, grants to those who need financial assistance and offer tax write offs for those who can afford to assist with these programs.

Included are a few photos from the trip. Check out more photos, from photographer Frank Gorshe: Road Scholar Trip

The Holidays

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Enjoy the holidays. First time ever I won’t be spending Christmas with family or friends. I am finding new ways to be with the holidays.  I celebrated the Winter Solstice with meditation, special food treats, a fire and I have my ? drum! I leave in the morning for new adventures in the desert. I won’t be back to Colorado until later in January since travel plans Have changed. The desert is a lovely place for meditation, prayer, and inspiration. It is also lonely, dry and stickers everywhere.


Quartzsite, Arizona is a VERY interesting life. People come in their camping rigs and tents to camp in the desert. Most of the people come to live because it is WARM and CHEAP to live. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages land for the benefit of all and the need for warm weather camping was apparent YEARS ago. Long and short term permits along with free camping for 14 days in most BLM land give this area a rise in population September to April. In the summer the weather reaches well over 100 degrees and only travelers using I-10 or 95 stop by Quartzsite.

The people are varied – mostly the rig or the tent is what tells us apart. Our life stories seem similar. People wanting to find a path in life that supports financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically wants & needs.

The desert is amazing. Sunsets are awesome and last night’s moon rise was a friggin miracle showing me the move to a new campground is a great path! Coyotes howling in the night. Chilly when the sun isn’t shining.

Through my RV forums I have met a few folks out here in the desert. I am currently camping with Esther Rose a fellow nomad. We are pooling our resources – she has a dog and a gun and loves to cook.

I think I will stay here through Christmas. A new way to celebrate! My camping companion is Jewish so we can create our own celebrations. Hell we celebrate each morning with a cup of tea and a bright hello!

I have several appointments the first week in January so I will be back to Denver. Hugs dear friends and family!

Heading South!

I finally found some warmth! This trip has had weather at my heels. I drove through Glenwood Canyon 12 hours before it was closed due to the same snow storm I awoke to on Thursday morning. That same storm left Utah and some of northern Arizona with lots of snow. Each day I have awoke to frost or snow on my windows. This morning a nice cup of tea warmed me and the inside of the van with the flames flickering on the propane stove.
The United States is so beautiful! I have seen such land that takes one breath away. My adventures in Arizona are continuing. Monument Valley is full of inspiration. I decided to go through Prescott, AR but did not check with my RV road map and found myself on 89 south. It took me 30 minutes to go 8 miles. I will heed warnings in the future, check more thoroughly, write about the scary road I took with MollyG- NO pictures since my red knuckles wouldn’t leave the steering wheel. Novice RVer!


Utah- 12/2019- The beauty in VASTNESS! Miles of sheer cliffs, acres of brush, bushes and ROCK. The amazing scenes in front and then I turn around and see a whole different miracle. Then I turn to my left and “oh my God” escapes from my lips.
MollyG and I got off 1-70 and drove HI-128 to Moab. I had never been south of I-70 so Moab was brand new for me. A fun town. After Moab we took 191 to Bluff, UT. Bluff is an interesting town with some weird rock formations all around. This route is one of my all time favorite drives- simply beautiful! Around each corner was another breathtaking scene! This series of pictures is from ONE spot!

One of my content happy places!

Colorado River Basin

12/4/2019 – I drove 177 miles- from Lakewood, CO to Battlement Mesa. I am totally overwhelmed with the beauty, diversity and power of the Colorado River Basin. Friggin AMAZING what water erosion looks like – deep canyons, large vastness where seas/lakes once resided, massive rocks abutting into the sky.  Western Colorado is magnificent! 
We are so blessed to live in the US where Mother Nature shows us miracles every mile. I awoke to a snow storm and more was coming so I put on my big girl pants and drove away from the storm. 


Symbols are a fun part of my life! I LOVE how the Universe brings me special Gifts in my day to day living. Today has been a day of transitions- This morning I decided to leave town on Wednesday, so I started packing the van. As I was opening an outside van compartment the key snapped in half. I found myself at Home Depot getting keys made. I drove home and tried the keys which worked perfectly. I walked inside the house to pee and noticed something sticky on the door handle- I stopped and checked out the door handle and closed the door- and now the door is locked…………Keys and doors…. Doors and keys…….Go together!
Keys in spirituality are connected with gateways and portals, doorways to the unknown, knowledge, mysteries, powers, initiations, new ways, and answers to curious questions.
A door or doorway symbolizes the transition and passageway from one place to another.
Messages for me on this December day!

What am I going to do today?

Weather! I am going to take care of weather related chores. I KNOW I am not the only person spending time shoveling snow from sidewalks, driveways and cars. Shaking heavy snow from trees and bushes. Checking water lines!
I have been trying to leave town for weeks! The weather, my health and some legal stuff has kept me around Denver, The current plan is to leave next week for Arizona- heading for Quartzsite, AZ. Mother Nature is in charge!

May your holidays be filled with kindness and caring. Hope you are surrounded by people (and animals) that you love and who love you! Gratitude for each moment for each breath! 

Be safe out there!


During my time in Colorado I met with my technical adviser to take a step further with my travel writing. Plus I am selling pstyles, Doterra oils and pinecone ducks which needed a way to market and purchase. Also wanted a business card and email template to share my blog address, telephone and email while I am traveling. At some point I will be doing instant-gram and have a reliable store on Etsy.